peru green lasers (NOT)


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
hi all

as some of you know i was excitedly awaiting a delivery of green laser corys today. picture the scene, :teacher: in my tutor base with all my tutor group (first thing in the morning (all excited 15yr olds) when the receptionist duly brought in a huge package. we carefully unwrapped them (trying to hide excitement :*) ) and they r not green but some type of pale gold with a loved them, me :eek:

however, have got them home and they r pretty (what are they?) but they r not the long awaited green corys :sad:

Tri mar said they hadn't had green lasers in................go figure (they r on their website and i ordered them over the phone to ensure they were the beloved green. they told me to send them back, but i really couldn't put them through anymore stress....the boss said, don't worry they already came from Peru, it wont matter :blink:
seffieuk said:
hi all

as some of you know i was excitedly awaiting a delivery of green laser corys today.  picture the scene, :teacher: in my tutor base with all my tutor group (first thing in the morning (all excited 15yr olds) when the receptionist duly brought in a huge package.  we carefully unwrapped them (trying to hide excitement :*)  ) and they r not green but some type of pale gold with a loved them, me  :eek:

however, have got them home and they r pretty (what are they?)  but they r not the long awaited green corys  :sad:
oh no !
What size are they ?
could it be that they still need to colour up ?
Quite often transported fish need a bit of time to acclimatise.
Some Betta's I've received have undergone a dramatic transformation in a matter of days once they were settled.

Have you phoned Trimar and spoken to Monty ?
hi bloozoo

wish that twas the case, however they are some sort of gold with a darker gold stripe (pretty)

spoke to the boss, if that is Monty........just told me to send them back
What are you going to do ?

Poor fishies :( . But it's not your fault and I'd be pretty miffed if I got something entirely different to what I thought I was getting :grr:
will keep the fish, not their fault after all :/ Thanks for the link Wolf. i already have some orange lasers, however these look rather different. maybe, as bloozoo said they r just very pale at the moment and will colour up. is there another colour variation........they seem to be a light gold all over except for the darker gold/orange stripe on top. my peru orange lasers have a broad band of blacky/brown on their sides as well (maybe they r not orange lasers?) as well as an orange stripe on the top and bottom
Hi seffieuk :)

I think that if they are any one of the striped C. aeneus cats, you will like them. They may be a little pale due to the stress of shipping, and it's possible that they will darken by tomorrow.

Could it be the Peru Gold Stripe cory? These are sometimes called goldlines and are even more yellow that the Orange Lasers.

hi inchworm

i think you could have solved it.............they look like the orange lasers but much more yellow :D don't mind so much now, as it is a new cory to me :D

r there any links which show pictures of your 'friendly cory cats', i would love to see them all?
Sorry, that they were not what you were expecting. That was a bit naughty of them! I'm sure you will enjoy them anyway!

Hi seffieuk :)

I hope they are goldlines because they are my favorites of the three. :thumbs:

I'm surprised at Tri Mar, because I had heard some good things about them. If they didn't have the ones you ordered, why didn't they tell you and ask if you wanted something else? And why didn't they at least tell you what they substituted for them? This is not what you would expect from any kind of online store, let alone one that deals in living things. :grr:

Thanks for asking about my corys. :D I hope to work on taking pictures and putting them in an album during the winter. Right now I don't even know how to use my camera right. :*)
Here's another picture I found of my goldlines. Are these yellow, or what? :D

Inchworm said:
Here's another picture I found of my goldlines. Are these yellow, or what? :D



Those look great! I have a problem where if I see any cories at a LFS I stand there and think of a way to get them, but end up not getting them because I dont have any room in my tank. Ive got to get a another tank just for cories. I would also like to see pictures of your other cories. :cool:
:kewlpics: hope mine turn out like them :wub: get moving with the pictures, we all are mad keen to see them :p
Beautiful fish, nice photo, too - wish I could get piccies like that, instead of the blur and flash bounce!

Inchworm said:
Here's another picture I found of my goldlines. Are these yellow, or what? :D


to be honest, i don't think Tri Mar deliberatly substituted the fish. i think the employee who took the order probably had gold line corys on the brain and just wrote down the wrong order. done it myself before, thinking of one thing, talking about another then write down what i was thinking................or is that just me :rofl:

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