Percentage Of Water Change On Larger Tanks

No it's one of those fancy ones the wife picked :rolleyes:

Could use the bathroom one but that's 2 separate taps would need some type of adapter for that

I'll make do with a few kettles of water and do a change twice a week
No it's one of those fancy ones the wife picked :rolleyes:

Could use the bathroom one but that's 2 separate taps would need some type of adapter for that

I'll make do with a few kettles of water and do a change twice a week
:lol: women eh!!!!!! i hope she uses it well ;)

two seperate taps are fine you just need 2 adapters tha connect to a single hose.
I find it's not a problem using straight cold water but, as I said, you do need to trickle it in slowly, with the heater on, so you don't shock the fish. Obviously a mixer tap or shower is better, but I have neither in my house :(
My only option is using buckets because my tank is too far from the sink or toilets to practicaly use hoses.
I like to do reasonable sized water changes weekly but it was becoming a P.I.T.A. emptying into 12l buckets 6 times and then refilling 6 times... :crazy:
What I do now is do 1 bucket full a day every day. it only takes 5 mins because I use 2 buckets. I fill one just with cold water and then syphon from the tank into the other, and then tip the fresh water into the tank :thumbs:
Its a lot less of a chore than hauling all those buckets once a week lol
Le0n, if your tanks are indoors, they'll be constantly around 19-23 Degrees C - you can't just chuck a bucket full of cold water in the tank...? You'll still need to temperature match it with some warm water as well! Lighting, temperature of the room, how much natural light and the position in the room all contribute to the tank's ambient temperature. Forgive me if I'm jumping to conclusions and you do this anyway, but I have to make sure :p
its only around 7% change, it doesnt affect the temp at all :good:
Adding adapters to my vac and kitchen faucet were the best modifications I ever made. Changing fifty gallons of water without a single bucket is great!
Temperature shock is not really all that big a deal. Even if you add straight from the tap at around 15C and your tank is kept at around 25C, that means that the temp will momentarily sink to 20C, which isn't a horrible difference. Fish are adapted to temperature swings better than most of us think.

Also, if you're that concerned, you could add ozone and a denitrator to your tank and wouldn't have to do water changes for months. It would however drastically increase the cost however.
I do huge water changes when I touch a tank. If a tank is worth messing with, I figure that anything less than maybe 25% water change is just too small. If you had 26 tanks running you would think so too. I do my best to match the new tank water to the water in the tank in terms of temperature. That means that I draw some water during the change that I can sit next to my new water bucket. If I use my hand and decide the temperature is the same, I figure it is really close enough. That water that is temperature matched goes right into a new tank analysis as well. After a typical water change, I find that my fish respond by having a better perspective for their futures.
Hi guys, I use a "no buckets" system as well with a DIY python system. I love it and I end up doing 40-50% changes at a time. It's reassuring to hear prankster705 say that a temperature drop of that level should be OK because I have been trying in vain to use my mixer tap to somewhat temperature match my water but it's just not happening. My boiler just switches off if I only add a small trickle of warm water to me mix and if I increase it just a small amount the water ends up far too hot. In the end cold water goes into the tank and by the time it's full the temp has dropped to 20 degrees. :blink:

Edit: Meant to say as well that since I have an inline heater on my external, my heater can't kick in until I turn the filer back on after the tank is full
i remember the days when i used to lug buckets around, no more.

i have two 85litre buckets, the first i syphon (gravel clean)into, once it gets about half way, in goes the pump with hose attached. i did try to syphon straight to my toilet but the flow was so slow i could not get a good enough gravel clean, if that makes sense.

the seconded my partner is kindle filling with water that temp matched. once i have finished emptying about 50% -70% of water i take my bucket to be rinsed and filled with clean water.

while seconded bucket being filled with water, i prime the all ready filled one, stick pump in and new water heads back to tank.

takes 30mins to a hour to do each tank, depending on size.

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