Peppers Went Back To Lfs...


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I took my peppered cories back to lfs today and got a credit note,sadly one has been near deaths door for a few days lying on its side barely breathing,2 of the others kept floating around the tank and several times they've been lying sideways at the top.

So i took them back,sad to see them go though :sad:
Sorry you had to return them. It's hard to do that, but it's usually for the best. Hopefully they can be revived. Two of my pygmy cories were near death and I euthanized them to end their suffering. I fear the other two won't make it either. They seem fine right now and I'm watching them closely and monitoring their water.
I tried to euthanise the poorly one in iced water but it didnt work,half hour later he was still breathing,never again will i do that!! i feel so bad about doing it let alone that it didn't work :sad:

My other cories are fine,just didnt work out with the peppers.
You did right to take them back. Don't be put off ever trying Peppered again though as they're usually very hardy.
I tried to euthanise the poorly one in iced water but it didnt work,half hour later he was still breathing,never again will i do that!! i feel so bad about doing it let alone that it didn't work :sad:

My other cories are fine,just didnt work out with the peppers.
Oh how terrible :( Did you take him back to the pet store? I'm not sure if I can euthanize another fish without having a few beers to dull the pain. I've had to do it four times and each time it was so difficult deciding IF I was truely making the right decision (if I had diagnosed the fish properly). One was swimming around fine, but I had de-wormed the tank because another fish had camallanus and after doing so one of the fish swam around happily with his intestines hanging out! Eh. He was my favorite guppy too :(

I did give the camallanus fish back to the pet store b/c they didn't believe me that the fish had that.

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