Peppermint Shrimp And Companions

I don't mind HOB's for QT and hostpital tanks because you don't want live rock in those as it can cause problems. For example it can be a place the parasite you are trying to fight hides and infects future fish that get in there or if a fish is infected it can flash against the rock and harm itself so in that case a power filter is really the best option. As for clean up crew I don't keep a very large one by most people's standards.
I don't mind HOB's for QT and hostpital tanks because you don't want live rock in those as it can cause problems. For example it can be a place the parasite you are trying to fight hides and infects future fish that get in there or if a fish is infected it can flash against the rock and harm itself so in that case a power filter is really the best option. As for clean up crew I don't keep a very large one by most people's standards.

I need to up mine i have 5 turbos, 3 red claw hermits, 4_5 nerites, 3 peppermint shrimp and at least 5 nassurius. I found a site that offers custom reef cleaners packs based on your current stock and needs i wanted to check out. i want to avoid nudis, chitons and limpets as those seem to die soon after doing what I got them for.
I can't keep one Mexican turbo alive in my tank. I never have enough algae for them to eat!
I can't keep one Mexican turbo alive in my tank. I never have enough algae for them to eat!

When I got the rock I have now it was in a 30 gallon with less flow than needed inhabited by a black clown, a coral beauty, a Tahitian butterfly and a 6in engineer goby. So I've had algae from day one. Hopefully adding ro and upping the flow will help immensely.
It's amazing how much flow actually does help with algae.
It's amazing how much flow actually does help with algae.

Back when I had a cichlid tank I got some power compact lights that also had actentics. My water turned green. I upped my filter from a 55 gallon handling unit to a 100 gallon unit and the water was crystal clear the entire time I had that setup.

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