Peppered Corydora's


Fish Addict
Jun 30, 2004
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Bedford, England
As far as I can gather, I know that they can be meat-eaters, but have not found any evidence to say that they eat snails. I want to introduce some snails into my snail-free tanks to mop up a growing brown algae problem (Oto's aren't up to scratch in doing their job).

Unfortunately, this'll mean my Yo-Yo's will need to be re-housed somewhere else. So, can Cory's eat snails? :)
If one of our cories catches a snail with its head out, they will try to eat it, and they hoover up the reamains of shredded snails when the loaches have finished.

But whether they would actually have an effect on a snail population, I seriously doubt. I don't think they have the mouthparts to crush a shell or suck the snail out of the shell.

But they will certainly eat snail eggs!
I have numerous snails ranging from a 3" Golden Apple to several smaller ones I think are Malayasian Trumpet Snails, but not positive. I have several larger MTS and a Ramshorn as well in my Cory tank and none of them have ever bothered any of the snails so you shouldn't have any problems.
i had a pepperd cory once and he never ate my lil snails, of course i didn't watch him that closely, and i didn't have him very long :unsure:

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