Peppered Corydora Needs Friends


Fish Addict
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Kent UK
Can he go in with my mums albino corydoras and school with them or does he need peppered corydoras to go with?
If I do get him some mates would panda corydoras be ok or again does it have to be exactly the same species. How many friends does he need I'd prefer they didnt breed but if they do spawn willthe rest of the community eat the eggs?
It would be better if he was with other Peppers. Yes, the other community fish would eat the eggs.
Well thats settled then i love him to much to give him up so better get him some friends do they have to be the same size or will the smaller ones school just as well with him as he's quite big now so its difficult to find that size
if the albino and peppered are basically the same breed why cant i get albino friends for him?:
You get albino in all species, so if you were able to find an albino peppered cory, they would suitable. Most of the albino corys you see in the shops, are C. Aeneus, or otherwise know as bronze cory. I have 3 different species of cory in my tank, bronze, panda and sterbai and they do get together, if there is spawning or when I feed, but the rest of the time they hang out with their own species. :wub: And in our fry tank, the panda fry stick together and the bronze fry stick together. They feel safter and happier with their own kind. :D
Ok wel thats that then a couple more peppered corydoras it is! Bless him I love him lots so there's no way I'm gettin rid he was one of my first fish! So now he'll get some friends!
Ok off to get him 2 new friends maybe three tomorrow so hecan have his shoal gonna try and get the same size as him but I doubt it will be possible as I'vehad him a while and most catfish are juvys in my lfs. Will this matter
We have kept three types of cories, as I've said above, and we got them all from different sources at different times. So usually, the first were bigger than the new one's we got and most of the time we could only get juvies too. They love babies and tend to mother them. We had this with our bronze and pandas when we got new one's in. Once they've grown up a bit more together, they are inseparable :wub: . Good luck and post some pics of your newbies. :D
Well off I went to the fish shop and browsed the tank saw beautiful bronze, albino, sterbai, julli and speckled corydoras all in beautiful shape but then came to the peppered cory's and they were with some tetra all those looked healthy except one who was a bit off balance tail missing and kept rolling over. Then the catfish themselves there were maybe three in a group of about 8 that looked normal. The others all had really skinny see thru tails so I decided best not to get and stocked up on bloodworm much to the delight of my puffers who now look like they're about to explode!!!!
Have to try another shop now. My peppered still needs LOVE!!!

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