Peppered Cory On His Side! Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 26, 2011
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I came to my tank today and saw my little cory on his side. I was thinking about taking him out but came back later to see he had moved. My tank had an algae bloom problem and we put a new filter in to fix that problem. I did a 1 or 2 water changes during yesterday and today. Has he eaten too much? Does he have a disease? Does he need air?

Please tell me what to do!
Don't take my word for this ad id rather someone more knowledgeable gives you the advice but when this happened to my cory I thought his swim bladder was playing up. I took him out put him in a bucket with a heater and some tank water and sprinkled a bit of salt in there a few hours later he looked much better and I returned him to the tank and he's still with us today.

Just a thought but I'd wait till someone a bit more knowledge can advise you better
Ok, that sounds good, except I know salt is not good for cories, but I'll wait to do anything until an expert responds.
i've got 6 pepper corys who have been through 2 ich outbreaks (tetras/loach must have been sick from shop)

i did full dosage of salt, ran the temperature at 31C, full dosage of malachite green...for2 weeks.

now the ich affected fish all ended up dying, but all pepper corydoras laughed it off. one even winked at me and said "you're gonna have to try harder than that to kill us"

im not saying salt is good for corys, but the peppers seemed to tolerate it during those periods just fine.
Salt is OK for corys when used medicinally. When you have problems is when you keep the water salted over a longer period of time. They absorb it into their systems and have difficulty eliminating it. It's hard on their kidneys and livers. As a result, their life expectancy is shortened.

Corys can tolerate salt for a limited amount of time. Salt dips are a good way to clean up fungus on them. I'm glad your corys came through the ich treatment OK, chokko. While corys usually don't get ich themselves, they are often in tanks with other fish who do get it. The worst thing that usually happens is that the stress involved with the high temperatures, medicines, etc., results in their getting a bacterial infection. This can often be cured by getting the tank back to normal through generous water changes.
I don't think it is an ick problem.
When you say you put a new filter in - did you put your existing mature media in the new filter or are you running both?

What are your current water stats for ammonia & nitrite?
No, we did not put the old media in. It is just a fine filter to get rid of algae bloom. Our ammonia is under .25 ppm.
Well, he's ok now, but a weird thing i noticed is that before he was on his side he was really dark, it didnt even look like a peppered cory, but now he isnt going on his side and he is look like my other peppered cory, like a regular one.

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