Peppered Cory Life Span


New Member
Aug 26, 2008
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Rochester, NY
What is the life span of a peppered cory?  I have two remaining in my tank and one is dying.  They are about 5 years old. He's been sitting lifeless at the bottom of the tank for two days.  He won't eat and he's barely breathing.  His friend just sits inside the cave and watches him.
Had my group of 10 for about 4 years from fry.
I would say 5 years old was a little short as Im sure they have a 10-15 Year lifespan.
Shaddex is quite right, ive known people having kept certain cory species for nearly 20 years + old.... i guess in the correct conditions etc, you could easily expect 10 years +.
Thanks. It must be his time to go. My water levels are good...pH=7, NH3=0, NO2=0, NO3=20.  He doesn't have any visible injuries except his tail fins look ragged. 
Could be the fact that you only have 2 in the tank.  They prefer swimming in groups of say 6+.

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