Peppered Cory + Algae Eater together???

Big Beattie

New Member
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
Scotland (Peterhead)
Ii have an Algae Eater and a Peppered Cory (only the 1 cory atm) The thing is i read that Algae Eaters can be agro and territorial and i thought this mite be a problem with my cory, But its totaly the the other way round... the cory and Algae Eater are very friendy, maybe slightly to friendly? they are together alot, hid under thebridge together, eat together, lie together?? I dont know if this is a problem or just a kool thing? because corys are a schooling fish i thought due to only having the 1 cory it has stuck with the Algae eater... if thats so does this mean i mite have a problem sometime down the line with the Algae eater getting agro with the cory or not? Any feedback on this would be much appreciated

Big Beattie
You would really need to find out what type of algae eater you have.Try googling under chinese algae eater and siamese algae eater.If its a chinese you have the likliehood is that it will become aggressive and territorial as it gets older.When its young it cleans algae and gets on great with all its tankmates.Problems usually start as it gets older
If its a siamese algae eater then there is no problem in that its a docile fish
However most fish sold as algae eaters in shops are chinese algae eaters.
Overall they are nasty fish.Good luck :)
Looks like a CAE to me, more common than SAE, thats for sure. Cheaper too, thats why most people end up with one :/
definately a CAE Gyrinocheilus aymonieri

When young, the CAE, Indian Algae Eater, or Sucking Loach as it is often called does well in a community aquarium. When it gets older however, it can start to defend a territory and can continually harass tankmates. Adult specimens are often best kept alone.

I myself have the "golden" variety he is fine in my tank. IME the territorial problems associated with this fish is because, they are often the largest fish in the tank. However they definatly should not be kept with deep bodied fish like angels or discus as they will attach theirselfs to the body and suck on the slim coat.

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