Peper Corys


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2009
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Is the larger dark one a female? Just wondering as the other 3 smaller and lighter in colour, are always "hounding" it. If so ill have to get a few more females so they leave her alone for a bit :blush:
thanks neil.

Hi irvs :)

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your corys. They are looking good and their barbels look great. :D

Don't worry about having more males than female corys. They are not like livebearers in that they only have sex when they are actually ready to spawn. If that happens you will see the female deposit eggs within a few minutes afterward. If this doesn't happen they are probably just being playful. Of course, it's always good to have more corys......
Is it me or does the cory on the right look a little too dark and a bit thin? Might just be the angle and light but might be worth keeping an eye on him(?).
the cory on the right is actuall the largest of the 4 and i beleave to b the female.
they have come on soo well over the past few months. i had gravel to begin but later changed to sand for my corys. i love to watch them buldose their way round the tank.

ive new pics in the members section under "irvs river bed build" you can check them out there. thanks for the comments ill try for a few more pics.

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