People Giving Bad Advice

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- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
I guess there's really no way to moderate crappy advice, but it seems everytime I read the forum, someone gives out bad/wrong advice, and it's starting to irritate me.

That's just me venting I guess, but it does get annoying when people are looking for help, get bad information, and go ahead and listen to X person, and get themselves in more problems..


why do some people ask for advice, and not take any of it?? It's such a waste of time for everyone involved.. I always see people asking ''is this fish ok with this'' .. 10 people will say no.. then they're like hooray I got a bunch of them!!!...

If you don't want advice, and aren't going to take anyone's advice, don't ask for it..

That was a total contradiction right there ^^ but hopefully people will understand what I'm getting at.
I guess there's really no way to moderate crappy advice, but it seems everytime I read the forum, someone gives out bad/wrong advice, and it's starting to irritate me.

Yeas, sadly not everyone gives accurate info, but alot of the time nothing is writen in stone about this hobby, so what one says may work, but others have varying opinions on the topic. Not all info given may be deemed correct by some, but its up to the individual asking the question, what advice they should take.


why do some people ask for advice, and not take any of it?? It's such a waste of time for everyone involved.. I always see people asking ''is this fish ok with this'' .. 10 people will say no.. then they're like hooray I got a bunch of them!!!...

Thats been a problem here since the start. Alot of people do it, and it will be a source of annoyance for many people who try and teach them. While they are not willing to listent to decent advice, there animals will suffer, and so will their pocket ($$). Its up to them if they want to tak the advice we give out.
Sometimes people will just honestly not know anything about the situation, and just feel the need to post something.. even though they know they don't know anything about the situation..

If you don't know what you're talking about, don't talk.. it's as simple as that.

If I give advice that I'm not positive about, I will say straight up ''I'm not sure though, wait and see what some other people think''

and about people asking for advice, yea it does get annoying, but I remember when someone does it, and I wont give them advice in the future.
maybe it's better if you reply to the thread where you think an ill-advice was given...
give a valid reason for your objection and maybe people will listen..

for people asking for advice, they are only asking for advice and whatever they decide to do is at their own discretion...
I don't want to call people out, I'm sure people will just think I'm being a weiner..

I just don't get why people ask for advice when they know full well they don't care about what anyone says. Don't waste people's time!
OK if you really want to get into this we will..

When I said I didn't want to call anybody out, I didn't.. did I mention anyone specifically? no. I called nobody out.

As for your #2 comment..
I don't know how many times someone has asked if they could keep X fish in whatever size tank with Y fish. 10 people tell them no, and the next day they say hooray I got X and Y fish. I already explained that, I didn't think I'd need to be more clear.

Comment #3
Obviously nobody is forcing anyone, but I'd rather spend my time helping someone that actually is interested in help, not someone that posts for no reason whatsoever.
OK if you really want to get into this we will..

When I said I didn't want to call anybody out, I didn't.. did I mention anyone specifically? no. I called nobody out.

As for your #2 comment..
I don't know how many times someone has asked if they could keep X fish in whatever size tank with Y fish. 10 people tell them no, and the next day they say hooray I got X and Y fish. I already explained that, I didn't think I'd need to be more clear.

Comment #3
Obviously nobody is forcing anyone, but I'd rather spend my time helping someone that actually is interested in help, not someone that posts for no reason whatsoever.

i do not know if you already missed the point of a forum...
some synonyms: debate, discussion, meeting...
my point is, tell it to the person's face on the forum concerned if you don't agree and not start a blind-thread like this...
people don't know that they are giving bad advice if you don't tell them...
most of them just heard it from someone or just got it from this forum and do not have direct experience on the topic...
they pretend to be experts and it's up to experts like you to tell them off..
I never claimed to be an expert, and I could tell from your first post all you are trying to do is start snot. So I'm done replying to you.

Anyways, it's not up to me to moderate this forum, it's just a suggestion that maybe someone can look into if they feel like it.. if not, that's fine.
I never claimed to be an expert, and I could tell from your first post all you are trying to do is start snot. So I'm done replying to you.

Anyways, it's not up to me to moderate this forum, it's just a suggestion that maybe someone can look into if they feel like it.. if not, that's fine.

sorry if i offended you...
but i am trying to make a point..
the same as you...
you sounded like an expert on post #1 that is why i assumed you are..
no suggestion was given on post #1 unless you have already edited it..

again topic closed...
I guess there's really no way to moderate crappy advice, but it seems everytime I read the forum, someone gives out bad/wrong advice, and it's starting to irritate me.

That's just me venting I guess, but it does get annoying when people are looking for help, get bad information, and go ahead and listen to X person, and get themselves in more problems..


why do some people ask for advice, and not take any of it?? It's such a waste of time for everyone involved.. I always see people asking ''is this fish ok with this'' .. 10 people will say no.. then they're like hooray I got a bunch of them!!!...

If you don't want advice, and aren't going to take anyone's advice, don't ask for it..

That was a total contradiction right there ^^ but hopefully people will understand what I'm getting at.

Always been the same, a person who comes on for advice and then doesn't take it is perfectly entitled to do so, its their choice (doesn't make it right though). I have seen countless topics on this and other forums where good advice was completely ignored and then 2 or 3 days/weeks later the person comes back and complains that it didn't work!!
The best thing you can do is offer your advice in the hope that its taken, and not worry if it isn't. People have their own minds and will generally do as they want, only a few actually take heed of others.
I know exactly who you are referring to here and if you cant pm them then its pretty low to be sneaky and post here whining about it.
This person is a great asset to this board and i back her 100% so go take your flame thrower somewhere else. :grr:
Getting back on track here. This forum, like life, is all about choices. When submitting a question, people have the option of taking the advice, ignoring it or going forward with whatever their initial plan was. You and I have no control over what choices people make and it is a waste of time for you to lose sleep over it.

One of the greatest things about this forum is that one has the opportunity to tap the brains and experience of others who have travelled before us. There is no greater wealth than receiving the gift of knowledge and experience of others who have tripped, fallen and lived to report back to us.

If you join a thread and find poor advice being given, you have the opportunity to present your dissenting reasons why you would do things differently. If your advice is not taken, you can simply turn and leave the thread. If the initial poster choses poor advice, the punishment is obvious.

A large group of people:
1) don't use the search button
2) choose not to follow good advice
3) drive at 55mph on snow and ice in SUV's
4) drive under the speed limit in the left lane (or ?right in the UK?)

If you accept this and move on, live gets easier. JMO. SH
I have been visiting assorted fish boards over the years and have learned to do two things whenever I join a new one or participate for some time on one. Step one is to read a lot of the posts to learn who actually has a clue what they are talking about. I identify the true experts and then listen to what they say. Step two, identify those who always ask and never listen, and then don't waste your time trying to help them.

The same thing applies to fish chats as well.
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