Umm, if you plan to add this filter to any of your tanks in the signature, the fish will get blown away me, ive tryed it lol. If you do use it they will most like jump out for hate of turbulence.
I think it's a love it or hate it thing with the biowheels... personally - mine's the latter.
I can appreciate the capacity of the filter (i have a 170), but I HATE the biowheel that never spins. Mine is forever getting stuck no matter what I do. Stuck = reduced flow through the filter, and increased flow back down the intake spout. Frustrating!!!
Plus, many of us find the cartridges outrageously expensive. If you're creative though, you can find ways around that (ie. making your own, or changing it for floss, or rinsing them every second time..).
That said, mine has always been WORKING, and fairly quiet. No issues there. All things considered, I much prefer my aquaclear though.