Pennies in a vase


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2003
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SPokane, Washington
ok im moving in about 2 days and was wondering if pennies that were in a vase would hyurt anything if i put my fish in it, to simpify i have a vase and there were pennies in the i took them out and washed with hot watter and then i was wondering if it woul,d hurt then fish thanx in advance
hi dirty,
i wouldnt use the vase, its too risky especially if its stained with oxydised metals, it could seriously damage the fishes nervous and immune system. I think you would be better off getting a new one.
What kind of fish and how many are you moving?

i wouldnt' risk it. get two new containers, put the mollies in one, the betta in the other. how far do you have to travel?
I only have to travel about 30 miles this trip and imeditly i can set my tank back up but ive got 11 fry (mollies) and 1 betta and 3 adult mollies so you say just a new ones?
yep, go with something new/clean. and with covers. the move will stress them, and they may jump out. for quick trips across town like that, i've used a plastic container with tank water.
make sure you keep your gravel and filtermedia wet the whole time otherwise you'll kill off your beneficial bacteria.
As Molly said, you need to keep the filter media wet but I would go one step further. The bacteria are highly concentrated in the filter media and require moving water to keep the numbers up. To prevent massive numbers dying when I moved a few months ago, I put all the media and aquarium water into a bag and kept it constantly shaking and turning to simulate running water as much as possible. I couldnt detect any ammonia or nitrite peak after the tank was set-up again so I think it worked!


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