Peas Help


Aug 16, 2008
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hi i re ad that you can give catfish peas (got two bn baby ones ,blondie&tip)but what kind of peas prosesed or fresh .do you take the shell off and put them in whole . many thanks :good:
No need to cook - just defrost, take the shell off and crush them up!
thanks nelly ,how long do you leave them in the tank and how often do you feed them peas :)
i usually do it twice a week,
well mine get eaten quick, got a male n female pair of bristles + around 70-80 fry and a candystripe plec in the tank, so its a feeding frenzy......

just do one pea and split it, i usually crush it into small peices so easier to spead around,,,,
if its still in the tank the next day just remove it :good:
hi i re ad that you can give catfish peas (got two bn baby ones ,blondie&tip)but what kind of peas prosesed or fresh .do you take the shell off and put them in whole . many thanks :good:
mine eat corgett as well :good:
Your BN will grow like the clappers! I got my first one about 6 weeks ago and she was so tiny - now shes 4 times the size and a beautiful fish! Make sure you give yours a good diet and dont leave them to feed on just scraps and algae. I feed mine plec wafers, peas, courgettes, peppers, cucumber, sweet potatoes, flake food, frozen blood worms & daphnia and she also likes the crab pellets I put in for the shrimps! (who also adore peas!) So far she has turned her nose up on spinach and lettuce!

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