Guess what I just saw at my favorite LFS?
Yep, peacocks. The problem is, they are $19.99 each.
I really don't have $60 for a trio.
Is it OK to have just 1?
That's all I had when I first started fishkeeping, and he lived for 3 years.
After viewing yours and Dwarfs planted odd ball tanks, I decided on making my 29g a planted oddball, instead of a mini-Tang community.
My current inhabitants will be going in the 55g I'll be getting in the next month.
I'm thinking p. senegalus (sp) and a leopard ctenopoma.
I was told that would work out good. What do you guys think?
Sorry for hi-jacking.

Oh, speaking of oddballs, this LFS also had little black-bared sunfish (16.49), that I was told only get to 1.5 - 2". They had some weird algea eating goby (24.99), but I only caught a glimpse. They had alot of Half-beeks (6.99). Would have bought a trio, if I had a tank for them.
Any-hoo, check out their specials. They have a new breeder, so I was told they would be carrying lots of oddballs. They ship, but I don't know if they would this time of year. They aren't cheap, but they are one of, if not
the best store in Chicago.