Peacock Gudgeons, badis, cockatoo cichlid

fishdudein said:
You know how it goes, money that really should be spent on fish and supplies goes towards a mortgage payment, school books, or medical bills. ;) . Actually, if I look at finances close enough, I wonder how I have been able to do what I have done. :p So I just do things a little at a time.
:lol: mortgage , school supplies or medical bills , not to mention the electric bill , and say and clothing . :lol:
Great pics, Lucky! :cool:

The colors on your Badis are incredible. :wub:

You guys keep the coolest fish.

How much do you pay for peacock gobies?

I bought one 5 years ago, and I think I paid alot ($13.99). These are the number one fish on my "always looking for" list. I haven't seen them since. :/
cometcattle said:
Great pics, Lucky! :cool:

The colors on your Badis are incredible. :wub:

You guys keep the coolest fish.

How much do you pay for peacock gobies?

I bought one 5 years ago, and I think I paid alot ($13.99). These are the number one fish on my "always looking for" list. I haven't seen them since. :/
Thanks Comet ,
The gobies were $8.99 each .Look in with Aus rainbow fish , that's were I found mine , I also found 1 looking very unhappy in a tank full of African lake cichlids .

I also got me 4 sparklers the other day , and a pair of nanacara anomola [ In quarantine], in a few weeks into the 70 they go :nod:

:shifty: Looking for a pair of lateacara curviceps or dorsiger .

by the way , 3 weeks ago I put some gudgeon/goby eggs in that quarantine tank , the eggs looked fuzzy [ fungus] , so I figured they were dead and took them out , :no: they weren't , but it was to late , I'd already put my new arrivals in .

I saw at least 5 babies :byebye: .
At least I know I can get them to live past being eaten by the adult male anyway .
lucky62 said:
by the way , 3 weeks ago I put some gudgeon/goby eggs in that quarantine tank , the eggs looked fuzzy [ fungus] , so I figured they were dead and took them out , :no: they weren't , but it was to late , I'd already put my new arrivals in .

I saw at least 5 babies :byebye: .
At least I know I can get them to live past being eaten by the adult male anyway .
That's awesome!! :cool:

I don't hear of many people getting that far. They must be VERY happy in those planted tanks of yours. :nod:
Comet , the sad thing is I thought they were dead before they hatched , I had no idea they were even in there , they may have been eaten as I haven't seen any in the last 2 days. Plus I did a 50% water change before getting my new arrivals , my have sucked even more out :-( .
The fry were less then a 1/4 " long .

I have plants, mulm , and algae in that tank , and I'm sure plenty of little critters for fry to eat , maybe even things that eat fry :hyper:

Anyway now I know I can raise some to at least this point , I'll do it again .

myenigmaself , thanks , I'm kinda fond of my little guys .
Guess what I just saw at my favorite LFS?

Yep, peacocks. The problem is, they are $19.99 each. -_-

I really don't have $60 for a trio.

Is it OK to have just 1? :dunno:

That's all I had when I first started fishkeeping, and he lived for 3 years.

After viewing yours and Dwarfs planted odd ball tanks, I decided on making my 29g a planted oddball, instead of a mini-Tang community.

My current inhabitants will be going in the 55g I'll be getting in the next month.

I'm thinking p. senegalus (sp) and a leopard ctenopoma.

I was told that would work out good. What do you guys think? :dunno:

Sorry for hi-jacking. :*)

Oh, speaking of oddballs, this LFS also had little black-bared sunfish (16.49), that I was told only get to 1.5 - 2". They had some weird algea eating goby (24.99), but I only caught a glimpse. They had alot of Half-beeks (6.99). Would have bought a trio, if I had a tank for them.

Any-hoo, check out their specials. They have a new breeder, so I was told they would be carrying lots of oddballs. They ship, but I don't know if they would this time of year. They aren't cheap, but they are one of, if not the best store in Chicago.

cometcattle said:
Guess what I just saw at my favorite LFS?

Yep, peacocks. The problem is, they are $19.99 each. -_-

I really don't have $60 for a trio.

Is it OK to have just 1? :dunno:

That's all I had when I first started fishkeeping, and he lived for 3 years.

After viewing yours and Dwarfs planted odd ball tanks, I decided on making my 29g a planted oddball, instead of a mini-Tang community.

My current inhabitants will be going in the 55g I'll be getting in the next month.

I'm thinking p. senegalus (sp) and a leopard ctenopoma.

I was told that would work out good. What do you guys think? :dunno:

Sorry for hi-jacking. :*)

Oh, speaking of oddballs, this LFS also had little black-bared sunfish (16.49), that I was told only get to 1.5 - 2". They had some weird algea eating goby (24.99), but I only caught a glimpse. They had alot of Half-beeks (6.99). Would have bought a trio, if I had a tank for them.

Any-hoo, check out their specials. They have a new breeder, so I was told they would be carrying lots of oddballs. They ship, but I don't know if they would this time of year. They aren't cheap, but they are one of, if not the best store in Chicago.

I don't care if you hijack , it's friendly fire :lol:

20 bucks each , any other good shops near by , When I bought big Mo for my son I payed $12 , he was the only one there , a couple of months later at a shop less than 10 miles away little Mo sat in a tank with like 10 others of his kind for ....$25 each ...And I payed it :dunno: ,

how many did they have ?, maybe no one else will buy any , and the price will go down :lol: :no:

You could buy one at a time over the coarse of say 6 weeks toget the trio :lol: , to rationalize it .

I think 1 would be OK , with other kinds of fish .
I've kept single specimens in the past on 2 separate occasions , a male and a female , they hid more then the ones I have now , but I really didn't know much about them back then .
I'll have my son answer about the bichirs and leopard ctenapoma , he just got 3 small for $12 with the bonus of a scarlet badis , maybe you read that already .

ever go to fish2u , just google it , they list peacocks , but almost never have any .
cometcattle said:
Guess what I just saw at my favorite LFS?

Yep, peacocks. The problem is, they are $19.99 each. -_-

I really don't have $60 for a trio.

Is it OK to have just 1? :dunno:

That's all I had when I first started fishkeeping, and he lived for 3 years.

After viewing yours and Dwarfs planted odd ball tanks, I decided on making my 29g a planted oddball, instead of a mini-Tang community.

My current inhabitants will be going in the 55g I'll be getting in the next month.

I'm thinking p. senegalus (sp) and a leopard ctenopoma.

I was told that would work out good. What do you guys think? :dunno:

Sorry for hi-jacking. :*)

Oh, speaking of oddballs, this LFS also had little black-bared sunfish (16.49), that I was told only get to 1.5 - 2". They had some weird algea eating goby (24.99), but I only caught a glimpse. They had alot of Half-beeks (6.99). Would have bought a trio, if I had a tank for them.

Any-hoo, check out their specials. They have a new breeder, so I was told they would be carrying lots of oddballs. They ship, but I don't know if they would this time of year. They aren't cheap, but they are one of, if not the best store in Chicago.

My tank has been reduced to a few small java ferns, thanks to a certain severum of mine :p I think a ctenopoma would be ok with a senegal bichir :D The leopard would get too big for a senegal to eat, and they are both from africa :D

EDIT: This is dwarfs, my dad didn't log off :D
Awsome Pictures Lucky62.....I think I should have my fish obsessed dad on this website -ponders-
HotStuffGal said:
Awsome Pictures Lucky62.....I think I should have my fish obsessed dad on this website -ponders-
Hook him up , the more the merrier :nod: :lol: .

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