Peacock Gudgeons, badis, cockatoo cichlid


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
My dad took some pretty good pics :thumbs: He wanted me to post them for all to see :D


  • JMB_s_tank_004.jpg
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This is what the female gudgeons do when anyone is near the tank :rofl:


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jflowers said:
lucky62 takes some nice pics.

Not really but thanks , The big thing is clean glass inside and out .

It's hard enough when the fish move so much , but when the camera focuses on water spots or algae instead :sick: :whistle:
I think I've told you this before, but you guys have really good taste in your fish.... that pic of the badis, gudgeon and apisto in the same pic is great. Just a little jealous :wub: Good job!

edit: not to be confused with good tasting fish!
fishdudein said:
I think I've told you this before, but you guys have really good taste in your fish.... that pic of the badis, gudgeon and apisto in the same pic is great. Just a little jealous :wub: Good job!

edit: not to be confused with good tasting fish!
Thanks , how's that fish room coming ? or is it done ?
Still a work in progress. If I had my 'druthers, the whole thing would be put together, everything would be brand new, etc. Much as I would enjoy doing that, real life interferes all too often. You know how it goes, money that really should be spent on fish and supplies goes towards a mortgage payment, school books, or medical bills. ;) . Actually, if I look at finances close enough, I wonder how I have been able to do what I have done. :p So I just do things a little at a time.

Recently bought 10 fifteen gallon tanks from a friend, thinking about hooking them up in a series with one tank being a refugium-style filter, and trying my hand at propagating soft corals. Tried it before with limited success in my 29 reef, I think the shallower 15 gallon tanks would serve my needs better. But, in order to do that, I am going to have to tear apart one side of my small room and re-build a rack to more efficiently house the tanks on that side, then I can move tanks that are on the other side of the room to make space for my fifteen gallons :fun: .

Then somedays I am just too tired to mess with it. :lol:

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