peacock gobies


Ignore my post count, it means I waffle too much,
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Peterborough, England
Went to get some feeder river shrimp today (£1.25 for 25) and it ended up a little more expensive. My son came over and said they have peacock gobies, I said dont be silly and kept waiting for the sales person to come and take my £1.25. After a while (they were busy) I said ok where are these peacocks and they showed me, I could only see three and told the sales person I would take the lot. Works out two were hiding so I have five at £5.50 each. Turns out they got ten a week ago, sold five and I have the rest. Rare find around here.

I have put them in my community for now, have two five gals waiting for fish and could get another ten if needed. What do you think, ok in the 200l community (seem happy so far), move to an empty 5g or get a new 10g?

I would say no less than a 10, because 5 wouldn't fit too well in a 5g :) Your community looks peacock safe as well, I have never had keyhole cichlids before though so I'm not sure on them, but I am guessing they are a shy and non-aggressive cichlid :) That was an awesome find too, most people don't like them and therefore they aren't imported as much as more common fish -_- Good luck!
Peacocks ROCK. we have 11 now and they're one of my favourites in the community tank.

Here's one of ours.
Keyholes are very shy and peaceful, you think I could keep them where they are? That would be good.

Shop said they had got 10 in the week before, and that was all they could get for a while and sounded like they knew what they were talking about, label said that they needed to be kept in groups and sales person said they were one of the true FW gobies.

So, ok in my community, or get another :S tank

I like your community tank for these guys [ 200 L ], unless you want try and have them breed .

Just give them some retreats , esp the males .[ my females are more social ]

They[ the males ] think they are bigger than they actually are when it comes to other fish .

If you have both sexes they will breed in your tank regardless , raising fry is very hard to do even in a small tank [ I'm trying ], impossible in a larger one .

So if breeding isn't an issue , let them live with your other fish .

How big are they ?

I looked around for over a year before I found mine , I love them . lfs has them all the time...well since ive been going there i used to always look at them and think they were pretty so i recently bought some yaaaayness.. i think i payed £8 for a not bad
Cool, I will leave them as they are then. They have tons of caves and stuff to use. They are about 1 - 1 1/4 Inches at the mo.


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