Peacock Eels tank size

No im afraid.

Whilst peacocks remain smaller than tire tracks and fire eels they would recquire more than 30gal. A 3ft 36" tank should suffice. But too small, like yours, an the eel would be uncomfortable, crampped and would jump out.

Your tank, measuring 30" x 12" x (I estimated height) 18" = 23 gal. Far to small for a spiny eel.

There is a fish profile in the TFF fish profiles section, ill find it for you! :) - there you are! :)
If you could measure its height that would be great! :) In inches. :p

Or do u mean the tank is 37" tall??
THe eel would be fine, I keep mine in a 29 Gallon Tank, about 30 inches long by 12 inches width, 18 tall, the thing LOVES it in there, hides in the cave comes out to eat, typical eel, your aquarium will be fine =)
i have a fire eel in my 55 gallon,but it lived it's first year in a 20 gallon,and was more content in the 20 gallon in my's been in the 55 gallon for about 2 months and hides away all the the 20 gallon,it was out and about all the time,plus,the 20 gallon was full of small neons and it never ate 1 fish,so don't always follow the rules,sometimes,personel experience is much better.

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