Peacock Eel

Hi all!!, got my fishys 2day & these r what the lfs could get 4 me!
Peacock Eel approx 3''
Black ghost Knife 2'' hes sooooo cute
& an eel they said it was a fire track :crazy: but i havn't seen any info on these fish on the net its two tone - darkish brown on one side & white on the other hes also about 2.5'' ill post an ID fish topic if noone nos also i will try 2 get a pic later so it will be easier to tell
hes very shy and curious he curls up in the corner all the time!!
i've got some good news and some bad news
the black shark died coz he jumped out on wednesday morning poor guy he was 6.5'' :rip:
but the oscar is alive and ok!! :hyper:
i cant sell him to my LFS coz hes an aggresive species and they don't have a tank suitable for him!!
one of my other LFS which i hardly go to has got a huge tank for cichlids like pike cichlids ect... so i think i will be able 2 sell it back there!!
i put a slated rock thingy leaning on the front glass so one of them thinks their hidding!! :D good idea, wright!!
ill keep this post up to date regularly!!
its true black sharks grow 2ft upwards regardless of there surroundings i made that mistake and had three lol they all got to around 2ft and i had to give them away to lfs that had the facilaties to keep such big very aggresive fish (wharfe aquatics pinxton nottinghamshire) they do get very aggresive from around 3/4 inch size and very boisterous they dont care what fish they have a go at mine used to go for the dog when he went near the tank try and jump out through the hood and they are avid jumpers too mine jumped 7ft away from the tank at 5inch in size. i would take it off your hands for you as ive got a fair bit of exp with them but you are nowhere near me
both the fish oscar & black shark have been put in a bucket so that the fighting will stop (buckets in a heatedish room so i think it will be ok)
No no no... this isn't what you do! For one thing, unless that bucket is filtered as well as heated, you're exposing these fish to harsh conditions, and they'll get sick. Black sharkminnows are food fish, and honestly, if you can find a new home for it, do so. It'll just get more and more aggressive. Take some time to visit Fishbase, and look at how big these fish get.
the peacock eel is comin in at around 4-5'' approx
BGK is comin in at around 3-6'' approx
I assume these are going in *another* tank than the one with the oscar and the black sharkminnow? Keeping them in a "war zone" isn't the best idea I've heard today!
PS: any more info r tips on the peacock eel & BGK will be gladly appreciated!! :D
Where to begin really... peacock eels and black-ghost knifefish do have very specific needs, and you need to review these before you throw all these fish together. Peacock eels need the soft sandy substrate and floating plants, as well as very peaceful tankmates. Black ghost knifefish come from shallow, fast-flowing water habitats. They'll enjoy a sandy substrate, but they also need rocks with vertical clefts, because these make the ideal hiding places. Water quality has to absolutely perfect for these fish, or they quickly sicken.

Cheers, Neale
u can check out my tank setup in my sig for a view and yes my tank has got sand!! Thanks

its true black sharks grow 2ft upwards regardless of there surroundings i made that mistake and had three lol they all got to around 2ft and i had to give them away to lfs that had the facilaties to keep such big very aggresive fish (wharfe aquatics pinxton nottinghamshire) they do get very aggresive from around 3/4 inch size and very boisterous they dont care what fish they have a go at mine used to go for the dog when he went near the tank try and jump out through the hood and they are avid jumpers too mine jumped 7ft away from the tank at 5inch in size. i would take it off your hands for you as ive got a fair bit of exp with them but you are nowhere near me

soz u probably didnt read the post i made it said that the black shark died on wednesday coz it jumped out of the bucket!!
if i had him now i surely would have give u him but all i can really say is :rip:

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