Peacock Eel


Fish Crazy
Jul 27, 2003
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So I bought a peacock eel the other day (sat) and have yet to see him eat! I know that they spend a fair amount of time under the gravel (I am swithing from large polished rock to sand in his tank.....he doent seem to like the sand though) but should I be concerned or is this normal behavior for them???

P.s. should I put some ghost shrimps in there for him??? I read they like crustaceans and that might help him adjust a bit....just a thought
He should start eating pretty soon, but don't be alarmed if he doesn't. My Zig Zag sometimes goes 3 or 4 days without eating. I put ghost shrimp in my tank as feeders on occasion and they tend to disappear...but he's not the only one that eats them. My Blue Pardise fish has a taste for them also. Mine eats frozen blood worms like there's no tomorrow when he does eat though.

The frozen bloodworms should be enough for now and you may think about gravel I'm not positive but i think it gives them a eaisier way to breath. The gost shrimp I've never tried but live fry is also a way to get them more used to the tank.
Thanx for the replies curtiss and flying fish....I am actually breeding guppies to feed my bichir and angels as a treat so that wont be a problem except that the fry wouldnt last long enough for the eel to get them... they get eaten within 30 seconds of being put in the tank....but also you think I should leave some gravel in there for him???
I have gravel for mine, actually its white sand. My spiny peacock eel loves it!
Hey eelzor i thought you said you have a eel that only grows to 6"? If its a peacock i can asure you it will get bigger than that, i have 3 that are 10 to 12 inches each. Eels will be fine with sand or fine gravel, they do not like the larger stuff as it is difficult to dig into. For ffeding live bloodworms and small earthworms are the way to go, peacocks arent as predatory as other spineys so they may ignor shrimp and feeders.
yes, i found that out a few days ago. He is going to be tankmates with a rainbow shark, a black ghost knife and maybe something else if i have room.

Edit: So you can mix peacock eels with other peacock eels? I didn't know that. I thought they like it better on their own.

Edit Again: Never mind, I'll start a new topic.

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