Peacock Eel Issue


New Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Not sure if this is a real issue or emergency, but I have never ever seen this happen since I've had my eel for the past 6+ months.

He is at the top of the tank, sometimes not moving at all. Usually, he's hiding in the cave or in the substrate. I've never seen him at the top not moving much.

What could this be? :(
water stats? other tank mates? what's he fed on? tank size?

Tank size = 40 US gallons
Tank mates = platys, tetras, pleco, kuhli loaches
What he's fed = frozen bloodworms

I just noticed one of my platys just died. My eel is right next to him. I'm guessing there is an issue with the water? I changed the water last week.
what are your water stats for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte? This could be a clue. How long has the tank been set up? How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change?

what dechlorinator do you use?

could anything have contaminated the water?
I let my friend have my testing kit, so at the moment I do not have one to test that.

I change the water every 2 weeks. About 25%. Tank has been set up since March 2009. I use AquaSafe from Tetra.
you need to get it back and test - I'd do a 25% water change anyway as it can't hurt.
I'm doing one right now. Do you have any guesses on what the problem could be without knowing the water's stats?
I'd say it's likely to be a water issue, maybe a ph crash?
I had to pickup a friend from the airport so I was busy all day. It is 11PM right now and my eel is definitely sick.

He is barely swimming/moving, is not reacting to me (usually he is frightened by me, now he just stays put), and has lost color in his tail.

Picture provided below:

Ugh, that looks nasty. Could be a reaction to poor water quality, could also be bacterial. Eels are sensitive to meds, have you been treating the tank with anything recently?

He looks quite small/young, how big is he?

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