Peaceful, Top Dwelling Shoaling Fish

Oops I forgot the goldie on the patio! 20 tanks/about 700 gallons of water. I can't guess what will happen when I get a fish room--2 bedroom apt. I have all this water in a 1 bedroom apt.

Wall to Wall. :rolleyes:
Oops I forgot the goldie on the patio! 20 tanks/about 700 gallons of water. I can't guess what will happen when I get a fish room--2 bedroom apt. I have all this water in a 1 bedroom apt.

Wall to Wall. :rolleyes:
lol, i love it the 2 bedroom apartment called "the fish room". 20 tanks in a one bedroom apartment!! :hyper: I couldnt squeeze anymore into my 2 bedroom apartment. I wanna see walls of tanks!! :drool:
Just bought a new batch of extensions and 3 plug adapters. (They were out of strips.) I am already using all of them and needing more. Hm.... That reminds me to put power strips on the shopping list. Where the fry tanks are is such a tangled web that it takes me 5 minutes to trace the plug of a cord. When I replace all the extensions with power cords, it will be more organized. :blink:

I have unused outlets in the kitchen. :)

I manage to keep the cords off the floor if not the hoses.

You should have seen it when I moved in and had 15 or 20 individual Betta. My sorority had 15 or so. It was a nightmare. I lost lots of fish trying to catch up and stay up. Poor little fellas. I am more careful now not to get more Betta than I can care for. I have all too often done the things that experience hobbyist warned against. Still do. I know some stuff sadly from experience dealing with it.

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
Just bought a new batch of extensions and 3 plug adapters. (They were out of strips.) I am already using all of them and needing more. Hm.... That reminds me to put power strips on the shopping list. Where the fry tanks are is such a tangled web that it takes me 5 minutes to trace the plug of a cord. When I replace all the extensions with power cords, it will be more organized. :blink:

I have unused outlets in the kitchen. :)

I manage to keep the cords off the floor if not the hoses.

You should have seen it when I moved in and had 15 or 20 individual Betta. My sorority had 15 or so. It was a nightmare. I lost lots of fish trying to catch up and stay up. Poor little fellas. I am more careful now not to get more Betta than I can care for. I have all too often done the things that experience hobbyist warned against. Still do. I know some stuff sadly from experience dealing with it.

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
LOL! My kitchen is also pretty much the room with outlets, that and the bathroom. Wow 20 bettas! Thats crazy. Its hard not to just buy bettas though because sometimes you just come across one that really suites you (or a DT at walmart like me lol). How many hours a week do you spend on your tanks? I guess for me I would say 1-2 hours a day, so like 10-14 hours a week, I always imagine what I could accomplish if I wasnt doing water changes :blush:

I had so many because a breeder was sending me left overs as well as my own JOMB desease. It pretty much cured me.

95 usg in the bathroom. better than magazines

Feeding an hour or so a day. Water changes=constant struggle to keep up. Filter cleaning and changing=not often enough. I can get by with pick ups during the week and 4-6hours on the weekend. It works with an extra day off here and there. But It gets cazy when I have overtime or my son insists that a good mother and grandmother would come for the weekend. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Hatchets are lovely fish and look awesome once in a shoal floating around the top of a tank. BUT, make sure you cover your tank, they will without any doubt jump, my original shoal of 6 is now down to 2.....even though I kept a lid on with a tiny gap for air, they still managed to jump through it :shifty: :shifty:
Have you thought about Albino White clouds if you can get some, or Lutino Neons.
I got 10 Green eye Rasbora recently, Silver with green highlight on the eyes. Peaceful, non nippy, shoaling, top dwelling and you could get a large number as they only get to 3cm. Advantage of being relatively hardy too.

Wow....Just tooka look back on this thread again and was suprised to see how much input. Thanks a lot all, I will research everything mentioned and let you know what I am gonna do. Keep the suggestions coming.


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