Peaceful Community Cichlid??


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2004
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Well, the cons will be off to a new home soon. They just kept popping out fry left and right and i couldn't keep up. Plus they loved rearranging my aquascape.

I want to focus on a heavily planted aquarium with a few peaceful fish.

I would like a central fish for my tank. I was thinking of an angelfish or something else that is attractive. I plan on getting some Kuhli Loaches and some other peaceful fish. I may get rid of the barbs if they prove too rowdy for any other fish i intorduce (they tend to keep their fin nipping to themselves). I've heard angels eat neons in the wild, but has anyone ever seen a captive angel eat a captive neon??

So what would you recommend? I need something that will work well with plants, will not dig, and is peaceful.

Right now i'm thinking an angel fish. My tank is 24" tall so it's perfect for them. SHould i get 1 or a pair? I plan on keeping the tank understocked as i want a "have to look for 5 mintes through all the plants to find a fish" theme :D
I do not know about which fish is peaceful for you but you should not just buy 2 angels you should buy 1 or 3 because if you get 2 one may pick on the other till the other fish dies. I heard this somewhere and I have experenced it for myself. I got 2 angels and the one was very agressive and literally teased the other angel to death.
Aquidens curviceps & dorsigerus (is that what they're called?) only get a few inshes and my dors. is like a police officer. She doesn't make fights, she breaks them up. :D Go for rams and apistos too.
dwarfs said:
Aquidens curviceps & dorsigerus (is that what they're called?) only get a few inshes and my dors. is like a police officer. She doesn't make fights, she breaks them up. :D Go for rams and apistos too.
Any pics of these??
I know.

I just got rid of a pair of convict cichlids and i get a suggestion to replace em with firemouths??? :lol:
Heres that fish (the Dorsigerus)
dwarf cockatoo cichlid..... see below.... they are peacful.... but i must be honest i'm in the process of finding out the right size... i'v got a variance between 5-10cm for the males and females are smaller.... but dont get 2 males.... its said they get agressive 2 eachother.... but one with goldfish and peppered catfish are really good together he's made friends with the catfish nicely!

The 'dwarf cockatoo' will grow to somewhere between 5 and 9 ish cm. Varies from one fish to another. Some stay smaller, some bigger. Just like people. :D

well i'm still searching

Having tiger barbs seriously inhibits my decisions. I may have to pass them off to someone and start over with a blank canvas.

I need something that works well with HEAVY plants and does not need much ground room. Preferably a top level swimmin since my tank is 24" tal

It does not need to even be a cichlid. Just something peacful that can get your attention

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