pea puffer


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
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I have a pea puffer what type of foods can I feed him I know he likes blood worm but these aint that readly avalible (he is still vey small)
First of all, dwarf puffers sren't brackish, if yor are keeping your in brackish, start decreasing the amount of salt quickly!

Puffers like snails, cockle, muscle (although you should only feed in very small amount with a dwarf) and a whole bunch of other things.

How big is your puffer? Dwarfs only grow up to 1".
There is no salt in my tank I thought u lot would know about pea puffers more. he is about half an inch
Yes, but if htey are too big, they will just suck the snail out. It is better if they are tiny, apparently hy should be about the same size as the puffer's eye. Don't get Malaysian Trumpet Snails (they look like an ice cream cone) you could break their teeth!

You can use frozen food, as you can get frozen bloodworm and cockle, it should be available from your lfs.

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