Pea puffer surfing


New Member
Aug 19, 2022
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I have 2 pea puffers in a heavily planted 20 gallon tank. They are young, but I am
pretty sure they are male-female. I ordered 6 in a batch online, but only 2 survived the trip a few months ago, hence my number.
In the tank are multiple pond and ramshorn snails, 1 oto, and a mystery snail. They love eating the snails. I clean out the empty shells. THey eat baby brine and frozen bloodworms too.This morning when I checked on them, I found them with completely changed behavior. Usually I can’t find them, they are super shy, and they come out only to eat baby brine or bloodworms I feed them. Today I found them swimming extremely fast and glass surfing all over. I have read the other posts about this and people attribute it to stress, normal variant, new environment(same), or pre-breeding- all in other species. I did a 30% water change after I noticed it (last one 10 days ago). Tested the water and temp 76, ph 6.8, zero ammonia or nitrite, hard water ( no changes). After the water change I checked them again and no change in behavior. Still seem frantic.
The only change yesterday was I took out rocks and some plastic decor which had some hydra on them to soak them in hot water and get rid of the hydra. After it was clean, put rocks back in. I had rearranged the plants and wood a bit knowing puffers like to explore new changes In the aquascape. Maybe they don’t like the changes? female did look rounder thank usual yesterday, but I would be flabbergasted if they were spawning.
Did you add the plastic decor back in? Heating plastics can release toxic chemicals.
Hydra can be treated with salt at a rate of 1 heaped tablespoon per 20 litres/ 5 US gallons.
I am happy to report they are back to normal behavior this evening image.jpg

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