Hydra Outbreak

I have a lovely carpet of green hydra on one corner of the glass in my one shrimp tank and I just leave them alone. They have not caused any issues for the shrimp, but they did reduce the population of seed shrimp and other tiny little critters that scuttle about in the tank. I used to have a nice colony of them in one of my other shrimp tanks as well, but they disappeared recently, which made me sad, as I rather enjoy them. I suspect that they may have been eaten by one of the types of pond snails in that tank that I have seen munching on them.

My tanks are all kept with only sponge filters and as natural a balance as I can maintain. I rarely do water changes, because they are not needed once you get a balance. Now I must point out that I don't actually keep any fish in any of my tanks - only shrimp, snails and any other small creatures that naturally appear - so it may be easier for me to keep a balanced tank than for those who have a heavy load of fish.

So for me, hydras are not a problem that I feel I need to fix - live and let live. Then again, I also have quite a boat load of detritus worms of several different varieties and they don't bother me or the other tank inhabitants either :) The only thing that I would kill if I saw them would be Planaria using glass Planaria traps. I have been fortunate to not have an issue with them though.

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