Paul's 6X2X2

With your size tank, between .5WPG and 1WPG NO T5 will be more than enough. The tank is large, you will need considerably less light to achieve the same effect. Better to go no CO2 than the CO2 you have planned. You will not achieve stability with fermentation CO2, not with such a large tank. Pressurized is the way to go with large tanks, or no CO2 at all.


Was gonna say the same about the CO2, yeast CO2 in 680litres just wont work at all, I struggle with my 80litre nano.
OMG ITS EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ebay here I come!!!!!!!! :p
Just in case you have not ordered the filters yet, I thought you might like the idea of a Fluval FX5 for £137.50...
I have ordered one this last weekend after my own filtration dilemma for a 5x2x2, when I was considering two of the All Pond Solutions 2000EF for £150, but decided that FX5 price was too good to be missed for a filter with an excellent reputation. I will supplement it with a 2000EF in either October or November.

You will want some media for the FX5 or even an APS filter ("hamfist" and others have said they think the supplied APS media is not enough) and the best deal I've spotted so far for Eheim Substart Pro is just short of £50 on Ebay (yet to order myself, but on "to do" list)...

You might also be interested in the other deal I ordered over the weekend, a Hydor Magnum 8 powerhead (12500 litres per hour, my riverine fish will love it) for the superb price of £106.21...
I believe Bosemani Rainbows, if still the centre of your plan (its great to see someone giving these wonderful fish a good sized tank, rather than "squashing" them into a 4-footer), will enjoy current. "drobbyb" is our resident Rainbow guru in my opinion (breeds many species in USA) and he can help you decide on this idea.

If you have not got heaters yet, the Rena Smartheater 300W are highly rated. I've ordered one for £22.49...
You will need two of these. I'm combining a single one with a Juwel 250W for now (as I only need a temp of 22C for my setup), but I may well order another in the near future.

The Rena heaters can be connected upto many brands of extrernal filter piping, with a little kit. I ordered one for £6.49, but you may well find cheaper elsewhere...
I believe its one kit per heater, so you may want two. This will pretty much eliminate any "dead spots" containing cooler water.

I have no suggestions for lighting! But if you come across any great deals for 150cm kits, of any sort (I only need basic lighting to support Anubias and Java Fern, the only plants that can survive in my setup), please let me know.
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Ok,almost time to get wet,just waiting on the heaters :hyper: One question to anyone who can help.I mistakenly ordered 2 4000k cool white t5HO tubes,54watt,will these be ok?or do I need to get the daylight 6500k?


How it is looking now,branches are soaking in the bath :p
Ok,almost time to get wet,just waiting on the heaters :hyper: One question to anyone who can help.I mistakenly ordered 2 4000k cool white t5HO tubes,54watt,will these be ok?or do I need to get the daylight 6500k?

Supercoley recommends 1 4000 and 1 8 or 9000 K. But most plant lights have light in the range of 4000K.
Ok,almost time to get wet,just waiting on the heaters :hyper: One question to anyone who can help.I mistakenly ordered 2 4000k cool white t5HO tubes,54watt,will these be ok?or do I need to get the daylight 6500k?

Supercoley recommends 1 4000 and 1 8 or 9000 K. But most plant lights have light in the range of 4000K.
Hmmmm,not sure how I missed him saying that :crazy: lol
thanks,anyway,good excuse to get back on here with a photo :D
Ok,almost time to get wet,just waiting on the heaters :hyper: One question to anyone who can help.I mistakenly ordered 2 4000k cool white t5HO tubes,54watt,will these be ok?or do I need to get the daylight 6500k?

Supercoley recommends 1 4000 and 1 8 or 9000 K. But most plant lights have light in the range of 4000K.
Hmmmm,not sure how I missed him saying that :crazy: lol
thanks,anyway,good excuse to get back on here with a photo :D

Don't worry, he said it in my thread...
That looks lovely. I would suggest tho a monster piece of wood in the middle instead of the small arc. something twiggy with lots of detail would look amazing in there with java moss and fern all over it.
Looks good tho. good job. :hyper:
This is it 5 days after the first plants went in.Getting good growth on both cabombas and the Sag is already throwing out runners :)




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