Parrots With Other Cichlids


New Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I have 4 small blood parrots with 1 small male firemouth for my 55 gallon, they all seem to get along fine (the firemouth showing aggression once in awhile, but nothing serious yet) I want to add a female firemouth and a male convict to the mix. I'm hoping to breed the convict with the BPs and the female firemouth with the male firemouth. Would all these fish be able to get along without killing eachother as they mature?
Well once they are all full grown they would have to get along in a 55...none of them could move. :fun: Sorry, giving you a hard time. Seriously, Even the BP will be way over crowded when they are full grown in a 55. You might want to decide if you will be able to upgrade your tank and when before you think about adding anymore fish.
Well once they are all full grown they would have to get along in a 55...none of them could move. :fun: Sorry, giving you a hard time. Seriously, Even the BP will be way over crowded when they are full grown in a 55. You might want to decide if you will be able to upgrade your tank and when before you think about adding anymore fish.

Yeah youre probably right, my first time owning BPs and didn't realize how big they get. I'll hold off on adding anymore fish or I'll give one away to a friend if it seems to be over crowded later on.
Good luck! These are great fish. And your in the right place if you ever need help with them.
Personally, I'd either get another 55 gallon and split some of your fish up, upgrade the tank, or rehome some fish in the near future. I think one pair of BPs is about all that can comfortably fit in a 55 gallon.
Sorry, I have an arguesment -_-

If they are still babies (4' or less), you can fit them in with some other baby cichilds, but when the get over 4', you seriously have to upgrade.
Sorry, I have an arguesment -_-

If they are still babies (4' or less), you can fit them in with some other baby cichilds, but when the get over 4', you seriously have to upgrade.

I totally agree with you here. There is no reason to have an empty looking tank if you are prepared to deal with the growth of these fish. If it will be possible to relocate later I see no problem with putting "too many fish" in a tank when they are young and small. However the fish keeper MUST keep in mind that when the time comes they must be relocated into an appropriate home. Personally I have a convict in a 10g right now. He's still very small so this is fine, but since he is growing he will be moving in a few days to a much bigger home. Too many people purchase large species and don't realize that they can't live in that tiny tank forever. But not everyone has the resources or space to accomodate growing fish of this size. Many people also do not realize how large these fish can get. All in all I do agree with you but the emphasis must go on making sure these fish are properly housed throughout their lives.
I bought the four parrots hoping I could find out which ones are male and female when they mature. I'll keep a pair and make plans for relocating the other 2 to a friend's tank or selling them. Thanks for the help.

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