Parrot Fish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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hi i have just bought a juwel tank 81cm long 46 cm high and 31 cm wide, could someone tell me the complete ideal set-up for parrot fish, and some characteristics of the fish, because i hope to have a pair of them in my tank
Parrot fish? Aren't these hybrid cichlid things? They aren't livebearers, anyway. You probably need to post your question in the Hybrids section.



hi i have just bought a juwel tank 81cm long 46 cm high and 31 cm wide, could someone tell me the complete ideal set-up for parrot fish, and some characteristics of the fish, because i hope to have a pair of them in my tank
sorry, someone else had posted these in here before, thats why i did, new to the site, dont really have a clue what to post where
Assuming you mean Blood Parrots, I've got a pair of BP's in my Juwel - they can be pretty shy at first for a while, but soon come into their own.

Good to get them a couple of caves (I used plant pots) to hide in/make their own which they will come to defend without shame (even if you're just trying to improve the setup of the tank for them they'll have a go at your hand/fingers - not particularly painful though, more of a shock!).

I also got some dither fish which really brought them out, but you'll need something that's quick enough to outswim them when they get bigger (I've got Rainbowfish). Also, they like to dig up the fine gravel in the tank if they feel it's in the wrong place or are improving their territory.

They love to eat frozen bloodworm, which I can now feed them by hand, brineshrimp, mussels (chopped up), sinking cichlid pellets, flake - just about anything really.

In my opinion, fantastic fish with their own characters (my only 2 fish that have been named), who will quite happily sit at/swim around the front of the tank staring at me/coming right up to me (no doubt wanting more food, lol).

I'm in love :wub:
i have two big ones and a little one, they eat absolutely anything!
they can be aggressive and the big male even attacks my hand, let alone trys to get me through the glass.
got to be one of my faverite fish, they have such unique personalitys.
does he look like a little one of these

thats Ragnarøkkr my big male 8" Bp.
regards tuurlijk
yer thats the fish i was on about, apart from the ones i was looking at were much more pink. do they have to be in pairs, or could i have one on its own, becuase im thinking about having one with a dwarf plec/ small catfish
If your tank is 20 gallons then you really only have room for one and even thats a bit small once its full grown.
yer ive decided against parrot fish, thanks

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