Parrot Fish Query


Dec 29, 2007
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Hi there,

A family member has had a lonesome parrot fish for many years, it's now in a 120L Tank and is about 6-7 years old (stopped growing).

We tried putting a few platy's in with it, unfortunately one of them got attacked and died, anything smaller also becomes lunch.

What could we put in with this? We've seen something that's labelled a "Bluey Lobster" in a tropical tank at a LFS, but i'm thinking it'll be too hard to take care of (Family member is not too fish-enthuesiastic).

In any case, today I created a sort of wood-cave for it in the corner which she seems to like, aswell as adding a big cave ornament for the two bulldog pleco's that have been put in to hide in today.

Any suggestions would be appreciated - We also saw some Silver Sharks which were mixed with Parrots, and a mix of Cichilids aswell - don't want to have anything that'll outgrow the tank.

Thanks! :)
In that tank ... nothing.

Sorry, but a 120L tank is already too small for the parrot. If you put anything else in with it then it will have even less space to live in.

If the parrot's welfare is key, then a bigger tank, say a 240 litre would be ideal. At that point tankmates could be considered for the parrot, ideally if they were added at the same time.
Hi there,

I appreciate what you're saying, but the Parrot's growth was stumped many years ago (before I was around)... it was actually in a 70L tank for about 6 years until literally 2 weeks ago when I moved it up to the 120L as that's all that is suitable for the house, it is a very happy parrot however. And that's why we're looking at what other fish we could add at around the same size, due to the fact that it wont grow anymore.

I'd also like to add that it was in it's 70L with two Clown Loaches :)/) and about 4-6 other fish when I first saw it. (The clown loaches also were in there for about 6 years)... but obviously I'm trying to find something that wont outgrow this tank.
Hi there,

I appreciate what you're saying, but the Parrot's growth was stumped many years ago (before I was around)... it was actually in a 70L tank for about 6 years until literally 2 weeks ago when I moved it up to the 120L as that's all that is suitable for the house, it is a very happy parrot however. And that's why we're looking at what other fish we could add at around the same size, due to the fact that it wont grow anymore.

I'd also like to add that it was in it's 70L with two Clown Loaches :)/) and about 4-6 other fish when I first saw it. (The clown loaches also were in there for about 6 years)... but obviously I'm trying to find something that wont outgrow this tank.

BR Parrots are compatible with many fish such as mid size Tetras, Giant Danios, Cory cats or any catfish, Plecos, Kribs, Severums and Angelfish. Convicts are a good choice as well, but be careful of any aggressive issues and the possiblity of a spawn between these two species.

Obviously if yours it slightly aggressive, just stick with larger fish, perhaps angels and corys would make a nice view point.

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