Parrot Cichlids


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I am thining about putting an albino oscar in my 100 gallon, along with maybe 2 parrots or one parrot and a gold sev. How do you think this would work out? I am also thinking about putting a few larger cats and maybe a large plec. Do you think I should get 2 parrots and an Oscar or 1 parrot, 1 gold sev, and one Oscar?
I think you might be able to go with one oscar and one BP, but I don't think I'd chance adding any more fish than that. They're all quite aggressive and need their own territories.
Edit: Well ok, maybe a plec or catfish would be ok in there too, but it really depends on individual aggression levels. The adult oscar at my LFS ignores the plec in his tank, but I've heard of certain oscars bullying plecs to death, too.
I have all those fish in my 79g, a 11" tiger oscar 8" blood parrot and a 4-5" sev along with some catfish so go for it, it will work out fine.

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