Parrot Cichlids

Ok, I think I understand. I was leaning towards believing what I've read on here, anyway. You guys seem to know a hell of a lot more about fish. When he told me these came from a breeding of two Blood Parrots, I was going to ask if there were any Convicts in the tank because maybe the person thought it really was the two Bloods but it wasn't.

And I just want to clarify...the color they are now, that is considered pink? I don't know how to breed Convicts...or fish, for that matter, but I'll read around and see what I can find. Thanks!
Suicidal_AZN: I have seem to heard some very contradicting info on sexing jelly bean's. My friend has had them before, and bred them twice, before ridding of them, adn he said that male's and female's look the same. Also, they dont breed as succsefully as convict's.

Jaiden: Blood Parrot's can rarely succseffully breed, i have never heard of it happening, but im sure somewhere in the world it does occur. Creating Jelly bean's is like this. 1 male pink convict+1 female blood parrot. Female's are not infertile, possible, but not likely.
i can get pics of my male and female jelly bean parrots if ya wanna see!!!
they breed true!!!!
they spawned 3 times!!!
all the spawns came out with frys!!!
Hi Jaiden

What you have are short body pink convicts, they are often dyed and labled as jellybean/bubblegum/disco parrots. But they are esentially pink convicts. Theres a big debate on whether they are actually crossed with anything but I myself believe that they are not. Other than the shape they bear no other resemblance to blood parrots (and many cichlids can be bred to be round, just look at balloon rams). Also they breed true i.e. they will not produce any fry that look like blood parrots or grow to that size. They may produce the odd full sized convict or striped convict and breeding a round one to a regular convict will result in almost the whole brood being regular sized convicts. Lastly having crossed a pink convict to a blood parrot I can tell you they do not produce these little round pink/white fish. Sexing is easy as its the same as convicts, females wil get an orange/copper shade to the belly and mature males will get a nucheal hump and long flowing fins. They should be cared for as you would care for convicts, remember they can be highly aggressive and will breed constantly.

Hope this helps.
That does help, thanks.

My only question is, these fry came from two Parrot Cichlids. I would assume Blood Parrots. The guy at my lfs is pretty good friends with my husband and I know he wouldn't lie. I asked him about BP's being sterile and he said "I thought so, too. But apparently these ones aren't". So I don't know :no:
That does help, thanks.

My only question is, these fry came from two Parrot Cichlids. I would assume Blood Parrots. The guy at my lfs is pretty good friends with my husband and I know he wouldn't lie. I asked him about BP's being sterile and he said "I thought so, too. But apparently these ones aren't". So I don't know :no:

Hi there.

Theres no way they could have come from a blood parrot pair as even if they did have a fertile male they fry would not look like this. Whats probably happened is that the person bought them assuming they were blood parrots (they may have been labled as this in the shop and may have been dyed the colour of a blood parrot). If you could find out what colour and size the parents are that would help. An adult BP will be bright orange/yellow and should be at least 5" but probably bigger. An adult male balloon convict (JB parrot) will be at the very most about 4" and white with the female being a few inches smaller and with an orange belly.
I'll talk to the pet store owner today...we have to go there for something...although, I forget what now ???? :lol: Like I said, the guy at the store said they'd change color when they matured. But you said mine will stay this color, and the females will get orange bellies?

Either way, I think they're great little fish and really fun to watch. I noticed my largest Cichlid nipping at the fins of my Rope Fish last night, though :X
I'll talk to the pet store owner today...we have to go there for something...although, I forget what now ???? :lol: Like I said, the guy at the store said they'd change color when they matured. But you said mine will stay this color, and the females will get orange bellies?

Either way, I think they're great little fish and really fun to watch. I noticed my largest Cichlid nipping at the fins of my Rope Fish last night, though :X

Yep they defo wont change colour, they will always be pink/white. BPs actually start out a dull brown/grey/green.

They are great little fish but slow moving tankmates or small fish will be harrased or eaten and they will squabble a lot with each other and you might find you cant keep them all together in the long run.
Would I be able to keep a Blood Parrot in with these guys? What other Cichlids would be good with them? If I can talk my husband into it, I'd like to switch to a Cichlid tank. I think breeding (maybe just once) would be quite an experience, too :blush:
Would I be able to keep a Blood Parrot in with these guys? What other Cichlids would be good with them? If I can talk my husband into it, I'd like to switch to a Cichlid tank. I think breeding (maybe just once) would be quite an experience, too :blush:

Well if your new guys are different sexes you will soon have fry.

You can keep BP's and convicts together. There are many other cichlids that would work but I think you should as in the cichlid section before purchasing any.
I have 6 little white ones...the largest is about 2". Would they have fry soon? I thought they were too small?

And would it be new world cichlids? Haven't posted there yet because I didn't know which section I should post in lol
I have 6 little white ones...the largest is about 2". Would they have fry soon? I thought they were too small?

And would it be new world cichlids? Haven't posted there yet because I didn't know which section I should post in lol

Yup cons can breed from 2" or even less.

Yep its new world cichlids you would need to ask in.

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