I bought two Parrot Cichlids. I didn't realize there were different kinds until I started looking around and I believe they are Jellybean Parrots. I'm not here to debate what Jellybeans are or anything. I've read enough of those arguments I know they aren't Blood Parrots, and I think they're adorable and that's all that matters
Anywho, I they're about 2" long each and they're in a 75 gal. with some random other fish (tetras, barbs, rope fish, an angel) I know, not the best mix but everyone gets along for now and the smaller fish have lots of live plants and caves to hide in.
I have a couple questions, though. How can I tell if they're male or female? If I have one of each, would I be able to breed them? One does have more of a "hump" than the other, and the one with the "hump" is also a bit bigger. Here is a picture...slightly blurry because I have a heck of a time taking pictures of them, they're too fast Without debating what a Jellybean IS, does it look like one? If not, I'm open to opinions as to what exactly it is
Anywho, I they're about 2" long each and they're in a 75 gal. with some random other fish (tetras, barbs, rope fish, an angel) I know, not the best mix but everyone gets along for now and the smaller fish have lots of live plants and caves to hide in.
I have a couple questions, though. How can I tell if they're male or female? If I have one of each, would I be able to breed them? One does have more of a "hump" than the other, and the one with the "hump" is also a bit bigger. Here is a picture...slightly blurry because I have a heck of a time taking pictures of them, they're too fast Without debating what a Jellybean IS, does it look like one? If not, I'm open to opinions as to what exactly it is