Parrot Cichlids


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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I bought two Parrot Cichlids. I didn't realize there were different kinds until I started looking around and I believe they are Jellybean Parrots. I'm not here to debate what Jellybeans are or anything. I've read enough of those arguments :X I know they aren't Blood Parrots, and I think they're adorable and that's all that matters :wub:

Anywho, I they're about 2" long each and they're in a 75 gal. with some random other fish (tetras, barbs, rope fish, an angel) I know, not the best mix but everyone gets along for now and the smaller fish have lots of live plants and caves to hide in.

I have a couple questions, though. How can I tell if they're male or female? If I have one of each, would I be able to breed them? One does have more of a "hump" than the other, and the one with the "hump" is also a bit bigger. Here is a picture...slightly blurry because I have a heck of a time taking pictures of them, they're too fast :/ Without debating what a Jellybean IS, does it look like one? If not, I'm open to opinions as to what exactly it is :D

Definatley a Jelly Bean Parrot. I have no problem's with parrot's or jelly bean's, except for jelly bean's are usually sold with life threatining dye's in them. A very Nice one too. Got a pic of your other parrot? If they are both jelly bean's, they will probably breed if they become a pair. Pairing is possible with a jelly bean/ parrot match also. Very Nice!
Thanks, I've grown quite fond of my little white fishies :wub:

Here's a pic of the other one. Don't mind the algae :blush: We've been super busy with Christmas and only have a tiny little Pleco for the huge tank. This one is the smaller one with less of a hump, although in this pic, it looks like a bigger slope than it actually is :unsure: The guy at the pet store told us that they would change color when they matured. Into a red or orange color. Personally, I don't really care if they do or not lol They're really cool. Are Jellybeans always white? Unless dyed, obviously lol

That one is also a jellybean. Regular parrot's are orange, and then turn into red if fed the right food's. Mine is around 2 or so inches long, and it is orange starting to show red. My tnak's have algea ont ehm also, so no worries!
Are unaltered Jellybeans always white? And how big do they normally grow?
They have white Parrot's, but that is pink. So the parrot was breed with a pink convict, resulting in your pink jellybean. If you get a better, full body picture to prove other wise, i would go with them both being jelly bean's. Jeally Bean's grow to about 4 inch's, so your tnak is PLENTY BIG, you might want to consider getting a few more! Very Nic equality fish though!
So the "white" Parrots are really pink? These two are actually quite white. The only color is the slight pink undertone near their gills. The rest is a snowy, crystal white.
Is the white/orange one your female? The one with...I'm assuming that's a penis? lol...looks more narrow. My smaller one is narrow. The bigger one also seems to have a protruding lump right at the base of its tail. It looks like it's supposed to be there, though, not like a disease or anything. I don't know lol
Is the white/orange one your female? The one with...I'm assuming that's a penis? lol...looks more narrow. My smaller one is narrow. The bigger one also seems to have a protruding lump right at the base of its tail. It looks like it's supposed to be there, though, not like a disease or anything. I don't know lol
Yup my white orange one is the male lol.Just imaging the females egg ovipositor a bit smaller and thats how its supposed to look.

Sounds like you have got a male and female, good luck at breeding them :good:
That's cool. I might see if that store has more of them today. They're only $2.50 and nobody buys them because they're plain little white things :/ Only one store in my city has these apparent "Jellybeans" and they only got one shipment.

I've had them for a couple months now and just last night realized there were more than one kind of Parrot Cichlid :X They were about 1" when I got them, so they've pretty much doubled in size. Looks like I'm going to have to do a lot more reading about breeding. Do they have to be a certain size/age to breed?

I'm excited now lol Other than guppies, I've never had baby fishies before. I might get rid of some of my barbs and tetras to accomodate my new-found interests lol
Ok I am utterly confused.

I just came back from the pet store (bought 4 more, a lot smaller, though) and I was talking to the store owner. He seems to know what he's talking about with fish. He told me that there is only one kind of Parrot Cichlid. Mine will turn orange/red when they grow bigger, and apparently, his stock of these little guys is from someone here in my town that has a breeding pair of (I'm assuming) Blood Parrots. The orange/red kind.

I thought the males were sterile? And will mine change color? I'm so lost lol

Here are my new ones...look the same, just smaller. And my tank looks like crap lol It's getting completely cleaned out tonight :blush:

ok your first ones look like males too me.
i know becuz i bred them befor like 4 times.
the owner of the fishstore lied to u they are now bloodparrots they are hybrids of bloodparrots and pink convicts.
males stay all pink and the females develope orange around the belly.
they can breed at about 1.5 in.
i have one batch at my cuzins house and they are about 1/2 in now its been 1 year so they grow really slow lol.
well let me know if u have anymore questions.
oh p.s. they breed just like convicts

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