Parrot Chilids

ok now the pit has got deeper the and there a big hill at the back lol the hole is that big i can see the hole from the front of the ship.also ive noticed im sure my female is getting a kinda tube were her anal fin is ive watched her poo and its not coming from that its just behind it.and last night they were well the male was tupping her then they swam kinda head to tail of each other then it looked like they were kissing as they had there mouths touching .the female looks quite fat to here are a couple of pics but cant realy see her tube this one is of the mountin they have created by taking all the sand out from the ship this is the female shes gone abit more orange than before

sorry pics and text wrong way round lol
just to give you an idea... this is 2 of mine trying to spawn


BTW... they are indeed jelly beans and if they are pairing you will for sure have some fry
BTW... they are indeed jelly beans and if they are pairing you will for sure have some fry

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that male parrots cichlids (the hybrids) of any kind were sterile. I've watched my parrot pair spawn probably 20 or 30 times since I got them a year ago and not once have I seen fry. Just eggs that either get eaten by tankmates or eggs that all turn white and disappear after a few days.

Even though there are members on against hybrids, there are plenty of members on here who aren't (including me) that have blood parrots or jellybean parrots or whatever name you want to call them. Well, if that's the case, how come no one has ever posted pictures of these fry? I'm not trying to be a prick about this, I'm just saying. If someone has pictures of these, I would enjoy seeing them. I'm not positive but I think ~T~ had some sort of hybrid mixed with parrots that ended up looking rather amazing. :drool: Other than those, that's all I can recall.

So, again, not trying to be rude. It's just the whole comment about parrot fry goes against almost everything I've read about males being fertile(?) Regardless, whether sterile or not, I still enjoy my pair going through all of the motions of spawning even though nothing has happened...yet.

i take back what I said, i was under the impression that jellybeans could have fry as they have different parents, my mistake
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that male parrots cichlids (the hybrids) of any kind were sterile. I've watched my parrot pair spawn probably 20 or 30 times since I got them a year ago and not once have I seen fry. Just eggs that either get eaten by tankmates or eggs that all turn white and disappear after a few days.

Even though there are members on against hybrids, there are plenty of members on here who aren't (including me) that have blood parrots or jellybean parrots or whatever name you want to call them. Well, if that's the case, how come no one has ever posted pictures of these fry? I'm not trying to be a prick about this, I'm just saying. If someone has pictures of these, I would enjoy seeing them. I'm not positive but I think ~T~ had some sort of hybrid mixed with parrots that ended up looking rather amazing. :drool: Other than those, that's all I can recall.

So, again, not trying to be rude. It's just the whole comment about parrot fry goes against almost everything I've read about males being fertile(?) Regardless, whether sterile or not, I still enjoy my pair going through all of the motions of spawning even though nothing has happened...yet.


Jellybean parrots are just short body pink convicts hence fertile.

I have had BP x pink convict, BP x striped convict, BP x JB(short body pink convict) and BP(KKP) x synspilium.
It does look like you have either convicts or possibly a jellybean. I have a pair of blood parrots that just had their first spawn. Unfortunately I had a tank catastrophe and they let their guard down and something ate the eggs. Usually males are mules or infertile, but I have heard that some can produce viable fry.
It does look like you have either convicts or possibly a jellybean. I have a pair of blood parrots that just had their first spawn. Unfortunately I had a tank catastrophe and they let their guard down and something ate the eggs. Usually males are mules or infertile, but I have heard that some can produce viable fry.

Same thing, jellybeans are short body pink convicts.
Yes, they are definitely Short-bodied Pink Convicts. They are exactly like my pair and yes, the female turns quite orangey during spawning. They will not grow to the full size of a normal convict but they have the same behaviour patterns. They are very territorial and can be quite aggressive (especially at spawning or when they have fry hatched - which is about every 2 weeks!!). So they are not a good community fish. Best kept in a tank of their own.

Most of the time they will eat off their fry after 3 - 4 days - but, like me, you may get lucky and find that at some point they do actually let some fry from a batch survive!

At the moment I have a batch of 12 fry that are a month old. They look really strange when they are tiny - their bodies are transparent and have huge black eyes, way too big for their bodies LOL. But as they begin to grow, their fins take shape and they look less like weird little monsters and more like mini versions of their parents. Very cute to watch.

I wish I could fathom out how to load pics on here so that I could show you pics of the SBPC fry! I did manage to load some pics months ago of the parents but can't remember how I did it! I'm sure I just downloaded the pics straight from my computer but can't see any way of doing it now. Ah well...

When I bought this pair they were sold to me as PINK SEVERUMS - and it was not until months later after endless researching that I discovered they were actually Short Bodied Pink Convicts! So, yes, they do get it wrong at the LFS now and then.

Actually I'm glad, because I was going to have to set up a much larger tank had they been severums. As it is, they will be able to stay in their 3ft tank indefinitely. Of course, I will need to find homes for the fry when they are a bit bigger.

They are really beautiful fish - exhibit all the character you'd expect from convict cichlids but take up less space - and to be honest I think they are much more attractive than the common stripey ones (ok, I'm biased!). There is a lot of debate over what mix SBPC's are made up from - and I've given up worrying about it now. All I know is they are gorgeous and healthy and not dyed. I'm pretty sure if they were dyed their fry would have been the natural colourings. They remind me sometimes of certain angel fish - they have that same gracefulness about them yet can be quite devilish at times LOL :hyper:

Have had mine for a year now so if you need any advice on them I may be able to help.

Regards - Athena
Yes, they are definitely Short-bodied Pink Convicts. They are exactly like my pair and yes, the female turns quite orangey during spawning. They will not grow to the full size of a normal convict but they have the same behaviour patterns. They are very territorial and can be quite aggressive (especially at spawning or when they have fry hatched - which is about every 2 weeks!!). So they are not a good community fish. Best kept in a tank of their own.

Most of the time they will eat off their fry after 3 - 4 days - but, like me, you may get lucky and find that at some point they do actually let some fry from a batch survive!

At the moment I have a batch of 12 fry that are a month old. They look really strange when they are tiny - their bodies are transparent and have huge black eyes, way too big for their bodies LOL. But as they begin to grow, their fins take shape and they look less like weird little monsters and more like mini versions of their parents. Very cute to watch.

I wish I could fathom out how to load pics on here so that I could show you pics of the SBPC fry! I did manage to load some pics months ago of the parents but can't remember how I did it! I'm sure I just downloaded the pics straight from my computer but can't see any way of doing it now. Ah well...

When I bought this pair they were sold to me as PINK SEVERUMS - and it was not until months later after endless researching that I discovered they were actually Short Bodied Pink Convicts! So, yes, they do get it wrong at the LFS now and then.

Actually I'm glad, because I was going to have to set up a much larger tank had they been severums. As it is, they will be able to stay in their 3ft tank indefinitely. Of course, I will need to find homes for the fry when they are a bit bigger.

They are really beautiful fish - exhibit all the character you'd expect from convict cichlids but take up less space - and to be honest I think they are much more attractive than the common stripey ones (ok, I'm biased!). There is a lot of debate over what mix SBPC's are made up from - and I've given up worrying about it now. All I know is they are gorgeous and healthy and not dyed. I'm pretty sure if they were dyed their fry would have been the natural colourings. They remind me sometimes of certain angel fish - they have that same gracefulness about them yet can be quite devilish at times LOL :hyper:

Have had mine for a year now so if you need any advice on them I may be able to help.

Regards - Athena

The mix is just pure pink convict the same way balloon rams are all ram, short body oscars are all oscar etc. They just happen to have the short body gene. I've seen many short body cichlids including firemouths and jack dempseys.

I know what you mean about theim taking up less space. Thier fiesty attitiude makes their small size pretty funny.

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