Parents Section

Hiya, sorry if I am butting in :blush:

My concern is that this is an open forum and I would not be happy posting pics of my children/family or discussing things too personal where everyone can have a good read. I just get all protective and worry about the information people can grab when they are just reading and being non-members. Forgive me if I am being a bit paranoid or have got it wrong about people being able to read more personal bits :blush: :blush:

I think in "general" a parenting section can be a good idea - but it can also lead to arguments when opinions differ. It's bad enough when your mother doesn't agree with your parenting methods :D
It's a shame we have to think things like this. The media have worked so many parents into a thinking that there are child killers on every playground and around every street corner.

But here's one thought that might make you feel better. The risk of your child coming to harm riding to school in your car is hundreds if not thousands of times higher than the risk of that child being killed by some random murderer.
  • Number of children killed or seriously injured in motor accidents in the UK per year is over 4000
  • Number of children killed by strangers in the UK per year is 6
So if you genuinely want your children to be safer, as opposed to simply think they are safer because of something you read in a newspaper, teach them road safety and encourage them to walk to school instead of driving them there yourself!

Cheers, Neale

I just get all protective and worry about the information people can grab when they are just reading and being non-members. Forgive me if I am being a bit paranoid or have got it wrong about people being able to read more personal bits.
I am a parent, and wouldn't mind talking with other parents. I do think that an open forum is an invitation for disaster though. Too many people get hostile about their children. If you want to chat with parents from this forum, why not just look for people that happen to mention kids and make friends? There are tons of ways to chat with them without a forum.
Lots of us are chatty. :good:

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