Paratilapia Polleni


Fish Gatherer
Jul 23, 2007
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Hi all,

Its been a long time since I posted here so thought I'd pay a quick visit. As things are I'm umming and arring about having a change around so I took the chance of photographing my polleni incase I don't get another chance.

I can't remember how long ago it was since I got him, but I've had him a while. Its a great fish and not as common as it should be considering their personality, ease of care, but most of all their looks. Though as you can see from the videos, he does shred the plants a bit. Its hard to get a sense of scale, I'll try and get more pictures tonight. He's a good 7"-8" or so.

This is a photo of when I first got him, about an inch or two long.


And he're he is now (my good camera has broken so sorry for the quality).

Also a very short video (from phone).

Thanks for reading :good:
crikey hes a big boy! what size tank do you have to keep him in? does he share it? hes a looker thats for sure! :good:

90 gallon tank, he shares it with 2 bristlenose plecs. There also used to be 8 tiger barbs, which I thought were too large to be eaten, I was wrong.
thats beautiful

always loved these, there was another user of the forum who bred these a couple of years ago
Thanks for comments everyone.

I've been thinking about adding a school of congo tetra's to the tank, though I am hesitant after what happened to the tiger barbs. Though the congo's are quite abit bigger than the barbs were.
How big does that beauty get and is there any other names for it? :hyper: wonder if i can get a juvenile at about 1 in. and keep it with an 1.5 in EBJD and raise them together happily.
How big does that beauty get and is there any other names for it? :hyper: wonder if i can get a juvenile at about 1 in. and keep it with an 1.5 in EBJD and raise them together happily. do they grow fast?
How big does that beauty get and is there any other names for it? im guessing its freshwater and hoping to lol :hyper: wonder if i can get a juvenile at about 1 in. and keep it with an 1.5 in EBJD and raise them together happily I heard of Jewel's and EBJD's sharing a tank wonder if i dare try it lol. Oh ye do they grow fast? I got a 55 gal you think it would be okay in that for a few years before I need a bigger tank?
Sorry about all the posts thought i was editing it. just now realized i was putting up post after post not used to this forum yet.
again i'm sorry.

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