Parakeet help

Awww! They are sooooo cute!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: I would love to have some a canary or a cockatiel, but my apartment says no, no. :(

And yeah...I also think it's funny that they wre getting out of the food dish hole... :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ...ahem! Sorry, hon. :*)
omg i'm such a geek
when i saw my name not mentioned once but twice :hyper: ....
i could feel myself turning beat red and blushing :*) :lol:
i feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that i am helping others
train terrific birds :hooray: :lol:

thats so cute how you didn't notice the gapping hole for the food dish :rofl:
how do you plan on covering it?
in my old bird cage i had the same problem and i used a very stiff, and strong piece of cardboard
i cut it to fit and i slid it across weaving both ends through the bars
if it is difficult to weave through the bars (and i'm talking making you want to cry and seaming almost impossible :lol: ) then it is strong enough to hold your birds :flex:

your birds are beautiful
can't wait to see them all grown and tame :thumbs:

oh and by the way
there is a way to sex babies with a 98% success rate (your average budgie, nothing fancy or albino)
if the birds are over 6-8 months (different budgies hit maturity at different rates)
the male will have an obvious blue cere (the fleshy part above his beak and around the nostrials)
if it is a female, she will have a pinkish brown cere which will turn a crusty brown when she wants to make babies :*

if they are UNDER 6-8 months and there ceres are not an obvious colour,
the females will have a mostly white cere with a slight tint in some of bluey purple
the males will have a more purple-ish beak (light) and may have a clear white around the nostrails

also as said above, females tend to be wilder and bite alot harder :crazy:

i knew pickle was a guy because he was never a biter (he and his siblings were handraised and the female chicks bit as hard as they could where as the males would just "chill" on your lap B) :lol: )
and he started talking at under 3 months :hyper:
he had a purplish cere with white nostrails

this is getting long but i just wanted to say
i just realized how much i use brackets
its kind of creepy
like there is two of me and the one in the brackets is talking over my shoulder adding their 2 cents :lol: :lol: :lol:
i'm such a freak (yes you are) :whistle:

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