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well I certainly feel for you on that one. I've seen lot's of convenient "misprints" in various lfs'. You should print out some research...I'd say around three sources and take it to the manager. I'll bet you can get them to fix that card. Sorry that happened to you.

quick example. I was in petsmart today and saw a tiretrack eel. I thought wow that would look awesome in the hundred gallon. I looked at the tag, it said they grew to 6-8"... just looked it up on a site cause I was pretty sure that was wrong...they grow to 30".
This is why they tell us to do our research. Those cards are quite often wrong in one way or another, and I told you myself that danio don't get pregnant... they lay eggs.
Any time you see a fish you want you should look it up and ask questions before you get it. I know it is hard to do, but it will save you from alot of mistakes.
The people here are usually very nice and very helpful. You have to be nice to them too though.
ok im sorry for all the nonsense but petsmart must really get there sizes wrong it said that it would only get 6 inches thats what it said on the card.............

yeah they do it all the time, which is precisley why you shoudl do your own research before buying fish and don't just rely on the store to tell you, they just want your money, they'll tell you anything.

i've seen all sorts in shops, juvi versions of tank busting fish sold as small versions...... like they're not gonna bloody grow, anyone who knows hte fish can see they're just juvi's.

sad as it is the poor little catifsh will almost certinaly die from being in too small a tank, even if you take him back to the shop he'll still get sold to someone else who won't take the time to look this up and will also house him in a small tank and he'll die. While there's a market for it they'll still be in the trade, everyone should boycott stores that sell them, tell other customers who are looking at the how big they get, kick up a fuss with the managers everytime they see them on sale, the more negative response the retailers get the less likely they are to sell them and the less of them will die.

It really upsets me sometimes to think how many of these fish must die every single day from being in cramped conditions, I mean you see them for sale everywhere. It's really bad.


fishluver, i hope your not a troll, and i hope you'll take everyone's advise and return the fish now. The trade is swamped with fish like this that have outgrown they're tanks, no one will take them, there was a really interesting study done and was in PFK a few weeks back about big fish and how many public aquariums were able to take. Aadly the numbers were very very small. Most of them just die. :-(

call us geeks if you like, but to my mind it's a nescessity, if I take responsibility for another creatures life I want to make it the best it can possibly have, not just adapt it to suit my needs. To make they're life the best I must do some research and find out how to do things properly. If your not prepared to do that you shouldn't keep animals.
hey hey hye wait a minute i didnt put that last post about me being sry and im not that wuz my bro
ok, well then tell him that we accept his apology. :p and put him back on the keyboard b/c he seems like he might fit in with us "fish geeks". :nod: (although we prefer the term "fish lovers")

anyways, one thing to keep in mind about reading the sizes printed on tags at the LFS (local fish store) is that a lot of times that size just refers to whatever size fish is being sold. thus, a "quarter-sized angel" is NOT a dwarf angel but is just a baby. petsmart, if i recall, is one of the worse chain LFS about putting unclear labels on their tanks.

but of course there are other LFS which are simply wrong, mis-informed or straight-out lying to you about final tank sizes. so it's really recommended that you research fish online before buying any new ones. there are other good reasons to do online research, but checking up on what the LFS had to say is one of the biggest.

(ps, fishyluver's brother: if you'd like to chat with us, you might want to get your own account on TFF. screen-names with negative attitudes can pretty quickly develop bad reputations around here. i'd hate to see you get fussed at just because your sister has been stubborn. :thumbs:)
I am also disapointed in how often the fish are mislabled with misleading common names. I was in Pet Smart the other day (who I would never buy fish from, though sadly I have bought supplies from them) and they had an Spotted Leaf fish. He was just the cutest fish so I ran home and looked him up online and it turns out he's not a leaf fish at all but a Climbing Perch! Their size information is often wrong too.

I am hard-pressed not to buy a fish impulsively that looks super cool in the pet store, but if you wait for a day or a week so you can go home and look up the fish online or in a book, you may find out that he's not a very good pet for your tank or to go with your other fish. It's better to wait and find out you shouldn't get him than to take him home and then have to return him later or find him a new home or have him eat your other fish! It is stressful on the fish and it takes up more of your time than a little research would have.

he probably wud fit in with you fish nerds.......hes only 14 anyway his user name on here is JAY323 i think so yea you can go and talk with him about his neon tetras... in tha tropical chit chat place besides ive only had my tank for like 2 months... i dont dedicate all my time to fish

AND im not stubborn i just dont care about what you are if i went to tha fish store and tha label sed it grew 6 inches im probably gonna believe tha store..but any way thxs for your "help" i cant return it anyway i lost tha receipt....
you can give it back to the fish shop for free. Also i take it this is your tank

Sisters 55 Gallon Aquarium

3 Convict Chilcid
3 Yoyo Loaches
20+Pond minnow
3 White Clouds
2 Zebra Danios
1 Male Fancy Guppy
1 Algae eater
1 Rainbow Fish
1 Pangasius Shark
1 Opaline Gourami
yea im gonna get rid of the minnows.....

hey FLAME how long have you had your tank?...... and what size is it and what kind of fish do you have?
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