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has anyone else noticed the op (original post) is extremely long. I'm thinking this might be a wind up guys.
Yeah i did wonder about why there was so much space and it does really sound like something some one would say just for a laugh to wind people up because everyone gets annoyed with someone getting a big fish without researching and then not listening to the advice people give. I would be suprised to see many more posts from this person to be fair.
True, though Fishyluver has also posted questions about a lot of algae as well as a Danio that might or might not be pregnant..

I do believe i smell a troll!

dont drop food and feed him any more ;)
i KNOW for a fact that it is pregnant.... and tha reason tha post is so long is becuz tha stupid thing wouldnt stop going down.....

i smell a troll... wow what r u like in preskool?
No you don't.... Becasue danios don't get pregnant. Unless they've mysteriously evolved a livebearing system while I slept.
My bet is on the livebearing system as this guy clearly seems to know what hes talking about :unsure:
What's that rex? Another troll?

How do you know he isn't just thick and ignorant?

There's no difference? Aaaah. Good point boy!

I shall now await some more cutting wit and inability to type correctly to deeply harm me in a psychological fashion.
im not a guy thank you very much and you ppl need to quit talking so what im only a 13 yr old girl
It's fine to be a girl and to be 13, but fishyluver, please understand that when you make rude posts and ask for advice but then become belligerent about the answers, it is going to make people feel frustrated. Additionally you told someone to "speak sum english," but you, yourself do not take the time to spell out your words correctly or use proper sentences.

Generally the argument I hear is that "well ppl no what i mean so thats what counts," but the fact of the matter is, speaking like this makes you look unintelligent to the rest of the people here. I am not saying that you are unintelligent, but I am saying that is how you are presenting yourself. You can hardly expect to combine that with biting criticism and be welcomed warmly here.

We have a lot of information and a lot of answers that we can share with those who come here with questions, but you have to let us answer. You have to be willing to listen. You do not have to take our advice, but you should at least be considerate and respectful. You *did* come here on your own to ask for our help. We didn't hunt you down to force it down your throat. The catfish you have can grow to be five feet long. We on this board do not agree with keeping a fish that you will simply get rid of later on when he grows too big. Those are the facts of life here, and if you want someone to confirm with you that you are doing a good job and you should buy as many fish as you like and keep them in as small of a tank as you like, then please try looking for another board.

What's that rex? Another troll?

How do you know he isn't just thick and ignorant?

There's no difference? Aaaah. Good point boy!

I shall now await some more cutting wit and inability to type correctly to deeply harm me in a psychological fashion.


no one here (except for andy but he's just a meanie) is wanting to make you feel bad, fishyluver. we've all made mistakes about buying fish--the secret is to learn from your mistakes. :thumbs: your albino catfish will grow far too large for anybody's fishtank and very few people want to buy a great big fish like that. what's worse is that as your catfish begins to outgrow your tank, he'll probably wind up being horribly deformed. you don't want to be responsible for that, now do you? and he'll DEFINITELY eat all of your smaller fish just as soon as he can.

the best course of action is to return the catfish to the store and fuss at the store owner for selling you a fish that will grow to be 4 feet long. and don't listen to any nonsense about it only growing to the size of the tank. a catfish like that will only stop growing once it reaches the full length of the tank, and even then there's a good chance that he'll break through the glass. ;)
ok im sorry for all the nonsense but petsmart must really get there sizes wrong it said that it would only get 6 inches thats what it said on the card.............
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