
Mine went threw a small spell of not growing so I moved him to my 55 gallon and he has took another growing spell on me..I have a 180 gallon tank which is bigger enough for now..I guess I will have to donate him when he out grows that tank.
Holy...........Wow but I have not a worry because though i have one in the size tank I have they will never grow to that size.....that is only in the wild
Holy...........Wow but I have not a worry because though i have one in the size tank I have they will never grow to that size.....that is only in the wild

I was pretty sure that IDs dont grow that big in captivity

The only reason fish wouldnt grow as large in captivity is if they are kept in tanks that are too small and become stunted, stunting causes premature death and weakens the immune system leaving the fish open to all and every infection, most ID sharks die within a year or less due to incorrect housing and care.
any chance of new pic of some of them as they have been removed or moved from the linked site.

even in my book it has the ID sharks marked up as 40" in wild and 13" in tanks.

Would be pretty cool to beabe to house a full grown one and not just in a pond so you get thefull beuty!!.
Ive had 2 Irr. sharks for Three years now and they only grew anout 4 in. since then. They seem to have there grow spurts now and then, but I really like em. Really good Bottom feeders.
Seriously! And I thought that Zebras got big! How did you even catch that fish?
What about a pic of someone holding an adult black finned shark catfish?
I got an irredecent shark about a week ago, 3" so far. He is cute to watch but too stupid to find food on the surface. New 55gal tank, 12 guppies to start cycle 3 weeks ago, now 10 guppies, 20 babies and shark.
kjathe said:

Pangasianodon gigas


Pangasius djambal


Pangasius hypophthalmus


Pangasius sanitwongsei

i cant see the pics
my LFS has a 180 set up with like 3 or 4 Id sharks. They look so small in that thing. The biggest one is like 2.5 feet and can barely turn around.
Final Dynazty said:
55 Gallon

2 Irr. sharks, 1 Sun Cat, 1 Spotted Raphiel, 1 BGK,
1 Cherry Barb, 1 Agassazi hybrid(cobalt blue), 1 Gold Gourami, 2 Opaline Gourami, 2 Bristlenose Pleco, 2 Red Iran Rainbows, 1 Swordtail, 1 Curvicep, 1 Agassazi Apisto, 1 Bamboo Shrimp, 1 gibbiceps pleco, 7 Cory cats.
If you don't mind me saying that tank is VERY overstocked.... Your gibbiceps plec will go well over 12", the BGK may get too big and as you know the Irr. Sharks should aswell. Leaving them in your tank to become stunted is bad practice. You should return them to the fish shop, or even better find a public aquarium or someone with a tropical pond that will house them.

CFC said:
Very nice, im going to pin this so that when people think about buying one of these fish they may think twice, thanks kjathe.

If only it were possible to do this in the shops themselves.

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