Pandas in my tank?


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
Just wondering if anyone out there can give me any advice whether it would be suitable or not to add 3 or 4 panda corys to my tank.

I know I have a lot of bottom feeders as it is so do not know if it will be feasible or not?
Hi ghent_3rd :)

Pandas are cute and endearing little fish, but I wouldn't recommend adding them to your tank right now. :no:

First because you are pushing the capacity of your tank and pandas require very clean water.

The second reason is because the other bottom dwellers are considerably larger than they are and corys like to school with others of a similar size. Brochis are similar to corys, but are huge and would not make a good match with the pandas in a small tank. :/
I thought that might be the case!!

Just to say though that my brochis aren't that big, they are very young are actually smaller than my Julii.

Thanks for the advice anyway!!

I am thinking of getting rid of my danios and adding small smaller schooling fish, any suggestions??

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