Panda Garra


Fish Addict
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
I just picked 4 of these up yesterday for my 90L tank.
I have been trying to get some pics of them but every time i go near the tank they all hide.
Will try to get some pics up later.

They are very interesting to watch and are showing much better colours than they were in the LFS.
Hi still struggling to get pics of them... they are very good at hiding :lol:
Will get some soon hopefully :good:
nice choice, my favourite garra. Dont get too large either
nice choice, my favourite garra. Dont get too large either

Thanks i have wanted some for ages :good:


Only been able to get a few pics but this is the best (still getting used to camera :/ )
Great fish, I have four myself, but in a 4-foot tank.

Watch out for "bleaching" (fish loses the vid black/cream colouring, going a nasty grey), if they start getting aggressive with each other. The normal guideline is 30x30cm of tank per Panda Garra, so although your tank is likely to be way too small for them long term, at least you have a group to spread the aggression until you can give them an upgrade. If you can, place a cave-like bit of furniture for each one (perhapas one in each corner and one centrally) in the tank (eg. side-on plant pot), where they like to roost overnight and sometimes chill out during the day.

You may already be aware, but they do love current, so expect them to spend time near your powerhead(s) and filter(s). If you are able to place a piece of slate right in the line of fire from a powerhead, they will enjoy using their modified sucker lip to clamp to the rock while enjoying the stream of water.
Great fish, I have four myself, but in a 4-foot tank.

Watch out for "bleaching" (fish loses the vid black/cream colouring, going a nasty grey), if they start getting aggressive with each other. The normal guideline is 30x30cm of tank per Panda Garra, so although your tank is likely to be way too small for them long term, at least you have a group to spread the aggression until you can give them an upgrade. If you can, place a cave-like bit of furniture for each one (perhapas one in each corner and one centrally) in the tank (eg. side-on plant pot), where they like to roost overnight and sometimes chill out during the day.

You may already be aware, but they do love current, so expect them to spend time near your powerhead(s) and filter(s). If you are able to place a piece of slate right in the line of fire from a powerhead, they will enjoy using their modified sucker lip to clamp to the rock while enjoying the stream of water.

Cheers they are great,
the filter it a fluval 205 so reletively big, need to angle the outlet at some rocks.
i wasnt planning on upgrading the tank any time soon but i might have too :/ i am going to change the tank when i am able to move my neon tetras so that it is high flow and lots of rocks and caves, to try and let them hide if need be and have there own territory.
Sorry to hijack the thread but would it be okay to add one to a tank? I have a 200l which is already fully stocked but have been having lots of trouble with BBA algae which apparently these guys are great at dealing with. So I don't really want to add anymore than 1 if possible. Other bottom dwellers are bristlenose plec, hara jerdoni catfish and zebra loaches.

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