Panda Corys


New Member
Jan 20, 2007
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Butler PA
About a month ago I bought 6 Panda Corys. 4 of them died rather quickly. I have 2 lonely ones left. Upon introduction to my 55 gal tank, my Tiger Barbs started nipping on them immediately. I have 10 Tiger Barbs, so I thought they would not be a problem. I was wrong. They hid all the time, and the 2 remaining are rarely seen. The pandas were/are very small, this may have something to do with it. Is there any suggestions? I recently purchased a 14 gal hex tank, and thought of purchasing some more pandas for this tank. However, I am afraid they will not do well. After they grow a little, maybe they will be safer in my 55 gal. I love panda corys and would like to breed them. Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated.
Tiger barbs are just extremely nippy, try getting some more, this usually helps. Though i would have though 10 would be enough -_- . If it seems to wpork, get more panda coys :good: .
Hey kuhliloacher,

This is from my experince of keeping Panda Corys. I think I am keeping well since I get eggs every 3~4 days since last November. I have my 4 adults and must be 2 dozen frys in UNheated 5 G tank with HOB and powerhead. They do like cooler temperature with pretty good water movement. I read they are ORIGINALLY from base of river in higher ground(mountain?). I know they must be 100 generation from the original that lived that environment but their offspring still enjoy their native environment.
Anyway, as you know they are smaller Cory and they can be in as small tank as 5 G if you can maintain the clean and highly oxygenated water. Colder water=more oxygen So your 14G would be more than fine for your Pandas. However 2 is not good, they would do much better with 6 or more. I know I have only 4 adults right now. But I will keep many off spring and make the group bigger. I bought 6 in the beginning but lost 2 to the fungus problem. Yes, they are more delicate than other average Corys so water need to be kept high quality. Right now, I keep them on their own tank since I have to look for the eggs all the time and I know their temperature preferance. I could keep them with small non fin nipping Tetra like Neon or Glowlight or Cardinal.
So get them more friends and move to the smaller tank. Keep the water soft and cool.(low 70'sF can be even high 60'sF). Could enjoy some water current. If you feed them well and keep up the water and they are matured, you'll get eggs in no time. But they don't lay many eggs at time but often which more reason better to give them their own tank if you can. It is much easier to collect eggs when there are few fish in it.
I hope this is some help for you. If you have some question, just PM me. I'll try to get back to you ASAP.
They were my favorite Cory and first Cory I got and still they are my favorite Cory. :good:
i want pandas but i can't find them anywhere. and i don't think they'd do too good in my tank if they like cooler water, as mine's usually around 80F because of the other fish in there.

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