Well, the terrible MTS struck and after we set up and got our new Rena 150 x 50 up and running we then decided to re-set up our Juwel Rekord 120 which is now home to 7 lovely Panda Cory's! We only paid for 6 but the LFS bloke didn't notice the 7th going in so we got him for free!
These guys are sooo different to our Cory Trilieanus. The Trili do not shoal at all, except at feeding but the Pandas are constantly together and are so cute!
Just had to tell someone cos cory's are quickly becoming my fav fisheys!
Congrats. Pandas are very cute, their personalities are so different, but all cories seem a bit different from each other. We have 5 adults in our community tank and another fry tank with a bunch of fry ranging in age from 1 week to 3 months. Even as babies, ours shoal together. Very cute. Got any pics of the new one's??
No piccies yet I'm afraid as we don't have a digi cam and the one i borrowed from a friend I had to give back. I want to take sooo many pics of our new fish as they are just lovely and being in a smaller tank I should be able to get a nice shot of all 7 of them together. They are so cute, last night they all went to sleep on top of each other - a little pile of panda corys!
I know, it's so adorable when they're sleeping on top of each other. Our babies do that, with the biggest at the bottom and all the tiny fry on top of them! They are just the cutest.