This doesn't seem quite right. I've had 3 of them for 2-3weeks and they've been cleaning the bottom of the tank up well, they're busy at work now. They all look healthy too, and i've seen them sticking together and playing around more with each other of late
It's just that the colouring on one of their black dorsal fins appears to be diminishing (from the outwards in). This particular Cory's body colour appears to be slightly faded compared to the other two. He looks healthy... is this a sign of anything or is it nothing to worry about?
They've been eating mainly pellets but i've put cucumber, frozen veg and bloodworms in there for them, which they all love. I'm gonna get some live bloodworm tomorrow I think...
Tank stats: 15gallon, Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5-10 Hardness 13GH PH7.5
plenty of plants, driftwood/bogwood, stones, gravel/sand substrate
8X neon tetra
2X molly
1X guppy
3X Panda Cory
3X Otocinclus Affinis
Any advice for me? Cheers
It's just that the colouring on one of their black dorsal fins appears to be diminishing (from the outwards in). This particular Cory's body colour appears to be slightly faded compared to the other two. He looks healthy... is this a sign of anything or is it nothing to worry about?
They've been eating mainly pellets but i've put cucumber, frozen veg and bloodworms in there for them, which they all love. I'm gonna get some live bloodworm tomorrow I think...
Tank stats: 15gallon, Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5-10 Hardness 13GH PH7.5
plenty of plants, driftwood/bogwood, stones, gravel/sand substrate
8X neon tetra
2X molly
1X guppy
3X Panda Cory
3X Otocinclus Affinis
Any advice for me? Cheers