Panda Cory’s Dying!


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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I have lost 3 panda Cory in 5 days. Two today. Nothing visibly wrong. Parameters are 0, 0, 20. Just did pwc and nitrates now 5ppm. PH is 7.8. Can’t find test kit but GH 10 and KH 6 or 107 last test. Temp 76F. Nothing added to tank except dechlorinator. Fish treated with General Cure over a week ago for possible internal parasites. No other fish effected. I have 26 more cories and 49 Neon tetras. 54G tank with Aqua Clear 70 and 59G sponge filter. Any ideas?
Its unfortunate that panda cories are one of the less hardy varieties now. They're bred very widely and of most of the cory species, they're prone to all sorts of problems. Its why I've been hesitant on adding pandas.

It very well could be they still have internal parasites and may need another round of medication.
Its unfortunate that panda cories are one of the less hardy varieties now. They're bred very widely and of most of the cory species, they're prone to all sorts of problems. Its why I've been hesitant on adding pandas.

It very well could be they still have internal parasites and may need another round of medication.
Thanks so much. I appreciate that. :)
I never had much luck keeping pandas or false Juliis. My best luck has been with spotted cories or salt and pepper cories. My water is about 175 hardness and 7.5 ph.
I never had much luck keeping pandas or false Juliis. My best luck has been with spotted cories or salt and pepper cories. My water is about 175 hardness and 7.5 ph.
Yeah, the more I read the more I find that the pandas aren’t as hardy. :(
But its not anything you've done wrong. Just unfortunately they were so popular before that they got bred like the neons and guppies do where now they're not as hardy as they should be. Which is a shame because they're adorable.
Sometimes parts of this hobby are a curse. When something is super popular, it gets mass bred like no tomorrow with no care about its health but more for profit, and then a species suffers.

How are their bellies looking? Do they seem thin, or anything visibly unusual for them to you?
Its unfortunate that panda cories are one of the less hardy varieties now. They're bred very widely and of most of the cory species, they're prone to all sorts of problems. Its why I've been hesitant on adding pandas.

It very well could be they still have internal parasites and may need another round of medication.

I am really glad you have mentioned this as I’ve been looking at adding pandas to my herd. I will rethink that now.

I am so sorry hun, I hope the rest get better.
But its not anything you've done wrong. Just unfortunately they were so popular before that they got bred like the neons and guppies do where now they're not as hardy as they should be. Which is a shame because they're adorable.
Sometimes parts of this hobby are a curse. When something is super popular, it gets mass bred like no tomorrow with no care about its health but more for profit, and then a species suffers.

How are their bellies looking? Do they seem thin, or anything visibly unusual for them to you?
It seems to be the smaller ones. I’ve noticed they start laying in one place for the day and then die overnight.
Well, another panda Cory is dying. Why just my pandas? This make 4 or 5 now. So frustrating! No more pandas for me. Bronze and albinos are all doing fine. :(
I'm so sorry. I really wish I knew what to recommend, but it can be such a number of internal issues that there may not be any proper treatment for :(
I agree. I know parameters are good and they’ve been treated for internal parasites. Just one breed wouldn’t have them anyway. Poor panda’s.

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