Panda Corydoras "Choking" (finished, it died :( )

No I couldn't, my 3 danios were killing each other because they needed more.
About two days ago.
It's not a disease (what the corie has)
A seemly healthy young fish doesn't usually develop a disease without cause. While I can't say for certain, I would think the danios introduced something, and the you g Cory just didn't have a strong enough immune system.
Barely breathing
I am sorry, but I don't think there's anything us or you can do to save that one :( what we can help with however, is trying to figure out the cause so you don't lose any more.
It has happened to almost all of my other fish who have died (months before i got the danios)
It has happened to almost all of my other fish who have died (months before i got the danios)
Hmm….. this sounds like a contamination problem then. Can we see a picture of your tank?
Are there any cleaners being sprayed or air fresheners in the room with the tank?
Do you use dechlorinator during your water changes?
Yep I'll get them.
Yes, sometimes more than it says as it has aloe vera in and it says I can use more.


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I found this old thread on aloe Vera. Seems like people are conflicted on if it’s bad for fish or not, however a quick google search backs up what someone said about it clogging the gills, which could lead to the “choking” you’re seeing. I recommend getting a different dechlorinator. Prime is always good, but any mainstream brand will do in a pinch. I just don’t trust the non mainstream brands.
I have been using it for 2 years, and have had smaller fish and never had any problems.
My LFS also say that it is good as it boosts the immune systems.
I will bear it in mind though.
It is looking a bit better, moving a bit more. As it is in a jug I thought it might be getting cold, I floated it in my main tank.
Fingers crossed x
I'm sorry if I was snapping at you earlier, my fish die so often, I am really fed up with it, so when things like this happen I get cross at anything.
The water is hard, pH 6.8, no ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are fine.
I don't know exact details but i got my water tested by a trusted store and it was all fine as usual.

I really need help, I think it is very close to death, lying on side and hardly breating, not moving!
I had my water tested from a trusted store. They told me it was safe...oh, how it wasn't. Get a test kit!

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