Panda Cory


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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i have a 150litre tank and i have 2 panda cory's & 2 pepper(i think) corys. now the biggest panda and the 2 others are fine but the baby panda is just staying still most of the time. water stats are fine.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20ppm
PH 7.8

any ideas? all the others are bigger than him, and he is the smallest fish in the tank? nobody is picking on him, could he be just upset being the smallest? (sounds weird but can it happen?)
corys like to rest alot, thats what my albino does. I'm not sure on this, but i think becuase its a baby, it gets tired easily.
if he doesn't forage for food at all then you have a problem
he has come to the front overnight but he is isnt responing to food and isnt moving about. he is just getting blown from side to side with the current of the water :( a couple of the guppies are rubbing a bit but none of the corys seem to be, but cant see anything wrong with him.
he has come to the front overnight but he is isnt responing to food and isnt moving about. he is just getting blown from side to side with the current of the water :( a couple of the guppies are rubbing a bit but none of the corys seem to be, but cant see anything wrong with him.
Hi. Fish, like people, sometimes just get sick. Usually, with fish, if there are no visible signs, determining the cause of the problem is not possible. I'm not a believer in treating fish, except prophylactically, unless I know exactly what the problem is.

All you can do is wait to see if physical signs develop. If none do, the fish will either improve or die. Being buffeted by the current is not a good sign, but then, we have no idea of knowing the force of your water movement.

Please update us on any noticeable changes. - Frank
i have a noticable update, he dead :'( porcelain burial for the poor lil guy
corys like to rest alot, thats what my albino does. I'm not sure on this, but i think becuase its a baby, it gets tired easily.
if he doesn't forage for food at all then you have a problem

My baby corys are nuttier and livelier than the adults the babies never stop moving always shooting round the tank playing
please dont fluch even dead fish down the toilet...put them in a bag and throw them away or bury could potentially introduce pathogens into local watersheds.
please dont fluch even dead fish down the toilet...put them in a bag and throw them away or bury could potentially introduce pathogens into local watersheds.

Actually, it's more likely that they will go to a water treatment plant than a watershed.

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