Panda Cory Seems Sick


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
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one of my pandas seems to be a bit sick, its the little one of the group and he has a little red dot/lump under his chin and some internal red dots along his belly. hes spending most of his time on the bottom and his mouth is really gulping and every now and then he struggles to swim to the surface and gulps air. i was thinking of putting some disease clear in but im not sure if i should. any ideas what could be wrong with the little guy? water is fine as i tested it this morning and the rest of the group are happy swiming about.
Red is often indicative of an internal bacterial infection; this applies to any fish, not just cories. Septicimia is a possible diagnosis. If it is, it may spread to other fish and is usually fatal, if not treated. A photo would help to diagnose.

Treatment: antibiotics, minocycline and kanamycin tend to be effective, IME kanamycin taken internally (with food) tends to work best.

sadly he died within about an hour of me posting the message it did happen very fast though, i only noticed him been ill on the morning and he was dead by night time
Pandas are apparently quite weak if tank bred, Ive only two left of four, they seem fine one minute, then go downhill fast for no apparent reason the next.

They do like extra water changes, so maybe if you have others, do an extra water change weekly to see if that helps.

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