Panda Cory Problems

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Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
I was looking at my cute little fishies tonight after I fed them and was showing them to my sister. I noticed one of my Panda Corys has bulgy eyes - not the eyeballs themselves, but the whole eye area. The other Panda Cory has a very big tummy. I don't know if it's some sort of health problem, or if I happen to have a female full of eggs.

Only thing I've done to the tank in the last week or two is a water change and then I scrubbed the sides of the tank and cleaned out the filter.

Here are a couple pics. I know they're not too great, but they were not being cooperative little fishies tonight. The one on the left is the one with the bulgy eyes (perhaps normal, but I haven't noticed 'em being like this before) and the one on the right has the big tummy.

Suggestions? Ideas?

Edit: All other tank members look fine. Diet of the critters consists of whatever Tetra granules fall to the bottom and Tetra Variety Wafers. They occasionally get tubifix worms and bloodworms (both freeze dried).


aka Married Lizard


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Another picture of the bug-eyed one. I tried to crop them, but then the message board didn't like the format they were in. I don't have all my photo-editing software installed yet, so I guess we're stuck with all the lovely background blur :p

aka Married Lizard


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Update: The morning following my posts (about eight or nine hours later), my sister and I went to get some meds for the fish. The popeyed Cory was not looking good - pale and lethargic. Other one looked okay. We got some Maracyn 2. The popeyed Cory did die, as I expected, but the other one is still alive and seems to be doing okay (yay).

aka Married Lizard

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